Robert C Alter, Administrator
(410)974 1123
Wtlliam Preston Lane, Jr, Memorial Bridge is
one of the longest over water steel structures in the
world It spans 4 35 miles of the Chesapeake Bay
between Sandy Point on the Western Shore to a
point near Stevensville on the Eastern Shore Traffic
lanes between the suspension towers are 2,922 and
I/ 2 feet in length and 198 and I/ 2 feet above the
Bay The Bridge rises to a total height of 354 feet
This span was opened to traffic on July 30, 1952
At the request of the General Assembly, the State
Roads Commission renamed the Chesapeake Bay
Toll Bridge as the William Preston Lane, Jr, Me
monal Bridge in 1967 (Joint Resolution no 21,
Acts of 1967) William Preston Lane, Jr (1892
1967), served as governor from 1947 to 1951
In 1968, Bridge and Tunnel Revenue Bonds
were issued to construct a parallel bridge across the
Chesapeake Bay, a crossing of the Patapsco River
(Baltimore Outer Harbor) from Hawkms Point to
Sparrows Point, and a connection on the Harbor
Tunnel Thruway between U S Route 1 and Inter
state 95 near Elkndge On June 28, 1973, the
parallel Bay Bridge was opened to traffic Also
named the William Preston Lane, Jr, Memorial
Bridge, this parallel bridge now is referred to as the
westbound span, while the original bridge is the
eastbound span
Governor Harry W Nice Memorial Bridge across
the Potomac River in Charles County was opened
to traffic in December 1940 It links U S 301
between Maryland and Virginia Originally called
the Potomac River Toll Bridge, the 1 7 mile struc
ture was renamed in 1967 by the State Roads
Commission for Harry W Nice(1877 I94I),who
served as governor from 1935 to 1939
Edward Hechmer, Chief
(410) 288-8566
The Maryland Transportation Authority Police
originated as the Toll Facilities Police, established
m 1970 as part of the Maryland Transportation
Authority The Police received their present name
in 1993 (Chapter 626, Acts of 1993) The Police
enforce laws and control traffic at turnpike, toll
bridge and tunnel facilities, and at the Baltimore/
Washington International Airport