Habitat, Land Management, and Outreach and
Technical Services The Division also is aided by
several advisory bodies among which are the Cap-
tive Wildlife Advisory Committee, Fur Resources
Advisory Committee, Migratory Waterfowl Advi
sory Committee, Wildlife Advisory Commission,
and Wild Turkey Advisory Committee
Ladd Johnson, Chair
Contact Joshua L Sandt (410) 974-3195
The Migratory Waterfowl Advisory Committee was
formerly the Duck Release Program Advisory Commit-
tee The Committee advises the Department on water
fowl habitat conservation, the propagation or purchase
and distribution of mallard or other ducks to be released,
and regulanons for the duck release program
Appointed by the Governor, the Committee
consists of thirteen members (Code Natural Re-
sources Article, sec 10-3081)
Vacancy, Chair
Contact Joshua L Sandt (410)974-3195
The Governor appoints the Wildlife Advisory
Commission to advise the Wildlife Program and the
Secretary of Natural Resources on wildlife matters
Members serve four year terms (Code Natural Re
sources Article, sec 1 102)
Michael E Slattery, Associate Director
(410) 974-2870
Heritage and Biodiversity Conservation Pro
grams began in 1979 as the Natural Heritage Pro
gram and received its current name in 1996 This
office works to ensure that all Maryland's native
ecosystems, natural communities, and species sur-
vive It identifies significant natural areas of the
State and sets priorities for their protection Staff
biologists and botanists continuously update a
computerized inventory that describes Maryland's
rare, threatened and endangered plants and am
mals, as well as unique and exemplary natural com-
munities At over 1,000 sites, 875 species of plants
and animals are tracked
Since 1986, a State listing of the threatened and
endangered species has been maintained Cur-
rently, the list numbers 344 plants and 114 animals
protected by State law Staff biologists also monitor
ecologically vulnerable species and those with de-
clining populations or dwindling habitat In addi
tion, this office advises federal. State and county
agencies and educational institutions on ecological
resources in Maryland (Code Natural Resources
Article, sees 5 1501 through 5-1506)
Bruce A Gilmore, Director
(410) 974-5623
The Licensing and Registration Service began
as the Licensing and Watercraft Registration Serv-
ice Under its present name, it became part of the
Resource Management Service in 1995
The Licensing and Registration Service is respon-
sible for assessing and collecting vessel excise taxes,
issuing certificates of registration and ode to vessels,
issuing recreational fishing, commercial fishing and
hunting licenses, and managing a network of sport
license agents The Service also works with Maryland
boaters and the marine industry, promulgates boating
<uid watciway icgulations, and bicmally pioduccs the
Guide for Cruising Maryland Waters It operates
regional service centers in Annapolis, Bel Air,
Centreville, Cumberland, Prince Frederick, and
Salisbury (Code Natural Resources Article, sees
4-601 through 4 1043, 8-701 through 8 740,
10 301 through 10 1108)