96, Acts of 1970) In 1975, it became the Depart
ment of Human Resources (Chapter 382, Acts of
1975) The Department's Employment Security
Administration functioned until 1983 when the
Department of Employment and Training was ere
ated as a principal executive department (Chapter
64, Acts of 1983) In 1987, the Department of
Employment and Training was abolished and its
functions were assigned to the Division of Employ-
ment and Training in the Department of Economic
and Employment Development (Chapter 311, Acts
of 1987) The Division was transferred in 1995 to
the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regula-
tion (Chapter 120, Acts of 1995)
The Division coordinates the State's public and
private resources for employment and job training
(Code Labor and Employment Articles, sees 11
101 through 11-408) Within the Division are five
offices Employment Services, Employment Train-
ing, Information Technology, Labor Market Analy-
sis and Information, and Unemployment
Insurance The Division also administers local of
fices of employment and training in each county
and Baltimore City
Jasmin M Duckett, Director
Robert C Schleiger, Ph D , Chair
(410) 767 2953
VISIONS Hotline 1-800-645 1992
The Maryland Occupational Information Coor
dinatmg Council improves coordination and com-
munication among developers and users of
occupational information to ensure that every
Maryland citizen has the necessary occupational
information for making career decisions An inter
agency committee, the Council is linked to a net
work of committees m other states and to the
National Occupational Information Coordinating
Committee established in 1976 by federal law
The Council disseminates software that con
stitutes Maryland's Career Information Delivery
Systems One program is called VISIONS De
signed for middle and junior high school class
rooms, it links education to the world of work
Another is VISIONS PLUS, a comprehensive
career planning and information system for high
school students and adults The Council has es
tabhshed 352 sites for accessing these programs
statewide Federal funds for the programs are
allotted under the Carl D Perkms Vocational and
Applied Technology Act of 1990 (Title IV, part
C,secs 422(a),451(a))
Started in 1988, the Council operates in accord
ance with the federal Perkms Act and the Job
Training Partnership Act of 1982 (sees 125,464)
The Governor names Council members
Paulette M Hall, Executive Director
The Office of Employment Services is also known
as the Maryland Job Service It provides a statewide
public labor exchange to match employers with )ob
seekers The Office also carries out programs for Allen
Registration, National Job Bank, Targeted Jobs Tax
Credit, Statewide Vocational Counseling and Testing,
Disabled Veterans Outreach, Local Veterans Employ
ment Representative, Unemployment Insurance
Work Test, and Migrant and Seasonal Farm Workers
Functions of the Office of Employment Services
date to 1902, when the Chief of the Bureau of Indus-
trial Statistics was instructed to organize and operate a
free State employment agency (Chapter 365, Acts of
1902) That responsibility in 1916 was transferred to
the State Board of Labor and Statistics with the addi
nonal duty of investigating causes of unemployment
and possible solutions (Chapter 406, Acts of 1916)
Smce 1936, the State's employment service also has
administered the unemployment insurance law
Created in 1937, the Department of bmployment
Security included the Employment Service Division The
Division continued to function under the Department
ofEmployment and Social Services, created m 1970, and
under the Employment Secunty Administration of the
Department of Human Resources, formed m 1975
When the Department ofEmployment andTrairungwas
established in 1983, the Division became the Maryland
Job Service under the Department's Job Training and
Placement Division In 1987, the Maryland Job Service
became part of the Division ofEmployment and Tram
mg within the Department of Economic and bmploy
ment Development In 1995, the Office ofEmployment
Services was transferred with the Division of Employ-
ment and Training to the Department of Labor, Licens
mg, and Regulanon
Lois Howard, Chair
(410) 767 2173
Job Service Employer Committees started in the
early 1970s They include a statewide steering com-
mittee and twenty local committees that audit and
advise local Job Service offices
I Paul Gilden, Director
(410) 767 2089
The Management Information Systems and
Technical Support Team began as Job Bank Central
in 1975 Renamed Central Processing in 1982, it
was reorganized under its present name in 1987
The Team directs the statewide data bank which