Eugene A. Conti, Jr., Ph.D., Secretary
of Labor, Licensing, & Regulation
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202—2272 (410) 333-6200
The Secretary of Labor, Licensing, and Regula-
tion heads the Department and is appointed by the
Governor with Senate advice and consent (Code
Business Regulation Article, sec. 2-102). The Sec-
retary serves on the Governor's Executive Council;
the Maryland Commission on Manufacturing
Comperiveness; the Asbestos Oversight Commit-
tee; and the Interdepartmental Advisory Commit-
tee for Minority Affairs.
Four of the Department's seven divisions report
directly to the Secretary. These concern Admini-
stration; Appeals; Employment and Training; and
Labor and Industry. The three remaining divisions
report to the Assistant Secretary for Regulatory
Policy and Programs.
John D. Jefferies, Assistant Secretary
for Administration
(410) 333-1449
The Assistant Secretary for Administration over-
sees the Department's administrative functions.
These include financial planning; expenditure con-
trol; budget preparation; grants management; pro-
curement processing; personnel management; fair
employment practices; substance abuse screening;
data processing and management information sys-
tems; general services; facilities maintenance and
security; inventory control; and risk management.
The Assistant Secretary also serves as liaison with
other State agencies, the legislature, the guberna-
torial staff, and the federal government.
Under the Assistant Secretary are six offices:
Administrative Services; Budget and Fiscal Serv-
ices; General Services; Information Services; Man-
agement Information Systems; and Personnel and
Hazel A. Warnick, Chair, 1997
A. Grey Staples, Jr., Appeals Counsel
& Chief Administrator
Louis W. Steinwedel, Chief Hearing Examiner
1100 North Eutaw St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 767-2781
The Board of Appeals, formerly known as the
Unemployment Insurance Board of Appeals, hears
and decides appeals on the determinations of the
Secretary of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation con-
cerning claims for unemployment insurance bene-
fits. It also hears appeals that arise under the tax
provisions of the Unemployment Insurance Law
and other matters requiring appellate adjudication.
The Board's three members are appointed for
six-year terms by the Secretary of Labor, Licensing,
and Regulation with the approval of the Governor
(Code Labor and Employment Article, sees. 8-501
through 8-512).
Under the Board's jurisdiction is the Appeals
Division. The Division holds hearings on claimants'
or employers' appeals from unemployment insur-
ance claims determinations of the Secretary of La-
bor, Licensing, and Regulation. Claimants may
appeal determinations disqualifying them for bene-
fits, and employers may appeal determinations al-
lowing benefits. These hearings are conducted by
hearing examiners, designated by the Board of
Appeals. Any aggrieved party may appeal a decision
of a hearing examiner to the Board of Appeals. Final
appellate recourse is to the courts of Maryland.
Sheila M. Tolliver, Assistant Secretary
for Employment & Training
1100 North Eutaw St. (410) 767-2400
Baltimore. MD 21201 TTY: (410) 767-2986
The Division of Employment and Training
originated in 1937 as the Department of Employ-
ment Security (Chapter 314, Acts of 1937). The
Department was reformed in 1970 as the Depart-
ment of Employment and Social Services (Chapter