182 / Department Secretaries Maryland Manual 1996-1997
PATRICIA J. PAYNE, Secretary of Housing and Community Development since
1995. Senior Community Organization Advisor, Department of Housing and
Community Development, Baltimore City, 1965-71. Chief, Housing Programs, 1971-75,
and Director, Program Coordination, 1975-79, Regional Planning Council. Acting
Director, Special Planning Division, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 1979-81. Director, Policy and Governmental Relations, 1981-83, Home
Ownership Programs, 1983-85, and Rental Housing Programs, 1985-88, Community
Development Administration. Director of Finance, 1988-91, and Deputy Secretary,
1991-95, Department of Housing and Community Development. Member, Cabinet
Council on Criminal and Juvenile Justice; Subcabinet for Children, Youth, and Families;
Maryland Affordable Housing Trust; Housing Finance Review Committee; Community
Reinvestment Board; Emergency Management Advisory Council; Interagency
Committee on Aging Services. Born in Washington, DC, July 27, 1942. University of
Maryland College Park, B.A. (history & political science), 1964; University of Maryland at
Baltimore, M.S.W, 1971; Sellinger School of Business, Loyola College, M.B.A., 1985. Kennedy
School of Government, Harvard University (senior executive institute), 1990. Office address:
100 Community Place, Crownsville, MD 21032—2023; tel. (410) 514-7005; fax (410)
ALVIN C. COLLINS, Secretary of Human Resources since 1995. Director,
Department of Human Services, New Haven, Connecticut, 1979-80. Chief
Administrative Officer, Administrative and Support Services, Department of Social
Services, Baltimore City, 1980-89. Chief, Administrative Services Division, Department
of Human Services, Arlington County, Virginia, 1989-92. Director, Department of Social
Services, Baltimore City, 1992-95. Member, Governor's Subcabinet for Children, Youth,
and Families; Governor's Council on Adolescent Pregnancy; Domiciliary Care Facilities
Board; State Commission on Infant Mortality Prevention; State Board of Victim Services;
State Information Technology Board; Governor's Commission on Hispanic Affairs;
Governor's Commission on Service; Commission on Women's Health; Work Force
Investment Board; Interagency Committee on Aging Services. Born in Suffolk, Virginia,
April 19, 1947. Southern Connecticut State College, New Haven, B.S. (political science),
1971; Hampton Institute, Hampton, Virginia, Liberal Arts Program Certificate, 1974;
Harvard University, M.Ed., 1976; University of Maryland School of Social Work, graduate
studies (social administration), 1985-86. Office address: 311 West Saratoga St., Baltimore,
MD 21201-3521; tel. (410) 767-7109; fax (410) 333-0099.
STUART O. SIMMS, Secretary of Juvenile Justice since 1995. Staff Counsel for U.S.
Senator Paul S. Sarbanes, 1977-78. Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of Maryland,
1978-82. Deputy State's Attorney, Baltimore City, 1983-87. State's Attorney, Baltimore
City, 1987-95. Member, Governor's Subcabinet for Children, Youth, and Families;
Cabinet Council on Criminal and Juvenile Justice (co-chair, juvenile justice reform task
force); Maryland Juvenile Justice Advisory Council; State Board of Victim Services; Work
Force Investment Board; Institutional Educator Pay Plan Committee; Governor's
Commission on Service. Member, Governor's Study Commission on Legal Fees;
Governor's Task Force on Alternative Sanctions to Incarceration, 1991-92; Governor's
Commission on Funding of the Arts in Maryland, 1991-92; Governor's Commission on
the Dealth Penalty, 1992-93. Dartmouth College, B.A. (government) cum laude, 1972;
Harvard University School of Law, J.D., 1975. Associate attorney, Semmes, Bowen & Semmes,
1975-77. Board member, Citizens' Planning & Housing Association, 1975-77; Baltimore
Zoological Society, 1984—; Vestry, St. James Episcopal Church, 1986-90; Sinai Hospital,
1987—; Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, 1988 —; Baltimore Museum of Art, 1988—;
NAACP, 1990-92; Baltimore Education Scholarship Trust, 1990—. Married; two sons.
Office address: 2323 Eastern Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21220-4207; tel. (410) 780-7878;
fax (410) 780-7888.
EUGENE A. CONTI, JR, Ph.D., Secretary of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation
since 1995. Policy analyst, North Carolina Department of Administration, 1979. Budget
Examiner, 1979-82, then Assistant to Director, then Senior Budget Analyst, federal Office
of Management and Budget, 1982-85. Director, Office of Planning and Management
Analysis, U.S. Dept. of the Treasury, 1985-87. Administrative Assistant, then Chief of
Staff to U.S. Representative David E. Price, 1987-93. Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Budget and Programs, U.S. Dept. of Transportation, 1993-95. Member, Maryland
Commission on Manufacturing Competitiveness. Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
December 23, 1946. Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA), eastern Kentucky, 1966-67.
Eastern Michigan University, B.A. (sociology, anthropology), 1971. Rockefeller Foundation
Fellow, 1974-77. Duke University, M.A. (policy sciences & public affairs), 1978; Duke
University, Ph.D. (anthropology), 1978. Presidential Management Intern, 1979-81.
Recipient of Professional Achievement Award (1981), Special Performance Award (1982,
1985), and Outstanding Performance Award (1984) from federal Office of Management
and Budget. Married; two sons. Office address: 501 St. Paul Place, Baltimore, MD
21202—2272; tel. (410) 333-1393; fax (410) 333-1229.