Ann O'Brien Franklin, Director
P. O. Box 466
Goldstein Treasury Building
Annapolis, MD 21404 (410) 974-5442
The Bureau of Revenue Estimates was established
in 1945 (Chapter 991, Acts of 1945). The Bureau
studies and analyzes all sources of revenue to operate
State government. For the Board of Revenue Esti-
mates, the Bureau prepares an analysis of the State's
economic outlook, and the itemized statement of
anticipated revenue. The Bureau also devises equita-
ble and economical means to collect such revenue and
may recommend new revenue sources.
Edwin G. Greenberg, Director
P. O. Box 2396
Annapolis Data Center
Annapolis, MD 21404 (410) 974-3401
Formed in 1953, the Central Payroll Bureau is
responsible for issuing paychecks to all State em-
ployees, except those in the Mass Transit Admini-
stration. The Bureau handles deductions, payroll
taxes, federal withholding (W-2) forms, and other
payroll reports for State government.
The Bureau is organized into three sections:
Accounting and Reporting; Administration; and
Payroll Operations.
John T. Salmon, Director
Thomas J. Lupinek., Deputy Director
P. O. Box 2367
Annapolis Data Center
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410) 974-3634
The Data Processing Division was created in 1967.
Through the Division, the Comptroller operates a
large computer center in Annapolis. The center pro-
vides local and remote computer services via terminals
and communications networks for all divisions under
the Comptroller, thirteen major departments of State
government, and many small agencies. Operating
costs are reimbursed by the using agencies.
Under the Division are three units: Administra-
tive Services; the Annapolis Data Center; and the
Applications and Systems Center.
John D. Kenney, Director
P. O. Box 0746
Goldstein Treasury Building
Annapolis, MD 21404 (410) 974-3810
The General Accounting Division was the origi-
nal office of the State Comptroller, created with the
establishment of the office in 1851. The Division
maintains the State's general ledger and other ac-
counting records. The Division accounts for all
State funds received and disbursed and counter-
signs and distributes all State Treasury checks.
The Division consists of two sections: Admini-
stration, Data Processing, and Post-Audits; and
Financial Reporting, Operations, and Pre-Audits.
Stephen M. Cordi, Deputy Comptroller
(410) 974-3806
Revenue Operations was organized in 1994. It
oversees the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Unit, the
Motor Fuel Tax Unit, and three divisions: Budget and
Finance; Compliance; and Revenue Administration.
Charles W. Ehart, Administrator
P. O. Box 2999
Goldstein Treasury Building
Annapolis, MD 21404—2999 (410) 974-3311
The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Unit began in 1936
as the Alcoholic Beverages Division. It was consolidated
with the Tobacco Tax Unit in 1975 as the Alcohol and
Tobacco Tax Division. In 1993, the Division was re-
named the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Unit.
The Unit enforces certain alcoholic beverage
and tobacco tax laws. Through the Unit, the
Comptroller controls, regulates, and issues licenses
for the manufacture, sale, transportation, and dis-
tribution of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes into,
within, and from Maryland. Twenty types of per-
mits related to these activities are issued. The Unit
also regulates advertising, promotional activities,
and other trade practices in the alcohol and ciga-
rette industries.
Under the Unit are two sections: Administra-
tion, and Trade Practices.
Ronald E. Bradshaw, Director
(410) 974-3807
The Budget and Finance Division was formed in 1994
to consolidate administrative functions of the Comp-
troller of the Treasury. The Division is responsible for
finance, procurement, and personnel. It also oversees fleet
management, telecommunications, mail, and print serv-
ices. In addition, the Division administers the Maryland
estate tax, capital grants, loan funds, and records of the
bonded debt of the State for General Obligation Bonds.