968 /General Index
Social Services, State Department of ............ 357
Social Services Administration ............. 351, 359
local boards & departments ................ 359
Social Work Board ...................... 286, 320
Soil Conservation Committee ............. 186, 195
Soil Conservation Districts. ................... 195
Solid Waste Program .................... 245, 253
Somerset County ........................... 757
offices & officials ........................ 757
property tax assessment appeals board ........ 536
senior citizen information & assistance ........ 757
Song, State................................. 15
Southern Maryland Immigration Commission ..... 209
Southern Maryland Pre-Release Unit........ 442,461
Southern Maryland Tri-County Council.......... 672
Southern Regional Education Board ............ 790
Southern States Energy Board ................. 790
Special Appeals Court. See Court of Special Appeals
Special Education Division. ............. 9, 227, 237
Special Operations Bureau, State Police ...... 436, 453
Special Police .............................. 142
Special Tactical Assault Team Element ........... 454
Specialized Transportation Committee ........... 592
Speech-Language Pathologists Board. . . . 285, 316, 326
Speed limit, State ............................. 7
Spending Affordability Committee. ........... 39, 48
Sport Fisheries Advisory Commission. ....... 407, 416
Sports..................................... 15
advisory commission...................... 221
agents licensure. ..................... 388, 399
promotion office......................... 221
stadiums ............................... 544
Spring Grove Hospital Center ............. 282, 307
Springfield Hospital Center ............... 282, 307
Stadium Authority .......................... 543
Staff Development Branch, SDOE. ............. 240
Standard Benefit Task Force ................... 325
Standardbred Race Fund Advisory Committee. 388,400
Star-Spangled Banner adopted.................. 20
State and Local Government Records ........... 494
State and Local Planning ................. 532, 533
State Canvassers Board. ...................... 500
State Capital. ................................ 1
State Capital Council ........................ 579
State Documents Division ................ 142, 144
State Employees Risk Management Administration ... 518
advisory council ..................... 518, 519
State Employees Supplemental Retirement Plans .... 549
State Employees Surety Bond Committee ........ 544
State Employees' Health Insurance Advisory Council. . 428
State Guard ............................... 526
State House Trust........................... 545
State Personnel and Pensions Article Review
Committee ............................. 135
State Police. ....................... 435, 446,451
barracks and detachments .................. 436
State Police Local Subdivisions Section .......... 454
State Publications Depository and Distribution
Program ............................... 579
Maryland Manual 1994-1995
State Reporter............................. 658
State Retirement Agency ................. 546, 547
State Retirement and Pension Systems........... 546
State Use Industries..................... 442, 461
advisory committee .................. 442, 461
State's Attorneys' Coordinator................. 580
Statewide Cost Allocation Plan ................ 201
Statistics Administration, Policy and Health . . 283, 310
Statistics and Information Bureau .............. 209
Statistics Service, Agricultural ............. 185, 191
Statutory Revision, Legislative Drafting and ...... 131
Steam heating companies regulation ............ 541
Stormwater Management Administration,
Sediment and........................... 259
Streams Preservation Interdepartmental Task Force.... 579
Striped Bass................................ 14
advisory board .......................... 425
Student Achievement and Program Enrichment
Branch............................ 227,236
Student Advisory Council .................... 514
Student financial aid ........................ 516
Subdivision plats ........................... 491
Subsequent Injury Fund Board. ................ 548
Substance Abuse, Tuberculosis, and AIDS Council. . . 592
Substance Abuse Program Services ............. 379
Substance Abuse Programs, Long-Term Care,
Community Mental Healdi and ......... 284, 314
Substance abuse treatment.................... 379
Subway systems.......................... 7, 482
Sundry Claims Board. ................... 435, 451
Superintendent of Schools, State ....... 225, 230, 231
Supplemental Retirement Plans, Teachers and
State Employees. ........................ 549
Surety Bond Committee, State Employees. ....... 544
Surety Bonding Programs .................... 216
Surface Mining Division ..................... 425
Surplus Property Agency ................. 263, 271
Survey materials. ........................... 491
Surveyors Board, Land .................. 387, 397
Susquehanna River Basin Commission. .......... 791
Susquehanna River Bridge. ............... 472, 484
Susquehanna River Watershed Board. ........... 580
Symbols, State .............................. 12
Synopsis of Laws Enacted....................... 45
Systems Support, OP. ................... 532, 533
Talbot County ............................. 761
offices & officials ........................ 761
property tax assessment appeals board ........ 536
senior citizen information & assistance. ....... 761
U.S. government agencies in ............... 808
Tall Learning Resources Center Board, Lida Lee. . . 579
Targeted Job Tax Credit Program. .......... 208, 218
Targeted Watersheds Program ................. 417
Tawes Garden Advisory Board................. 404
Tawes-Bland Bryant Nursing Home ............ 326
Tax Assessment Appeals Boards, Property ........ 534
Tax Court. ................................ 548
Tax Credit Program, Low-Income Housing. ...... 338