Maryland Manual 1994-1995
Safety Engineering Education and Technical
Services. ............................... 386
Safety Glazing Law ..................... 340, 341
Safety Inspection ....................... 386, 393
Safety Training Programs for Power Equipment
Operators, Advisory Committee on ...... 386, 392
St. John's College, established .................. 18
St. Mary's City ........................... I, 347
St. Mary's City Commission, Historic ....... 332, 347
St. Mary's College of Maryland ................ 541
St. Mary's County .......................... 753
offices & officials ........................ 753
property tax assessment appeals board ........ 536
senior citizen information & assistance ........ 753
U.S. government agencies in ............... 808
St. Mary's River State Park Committee .......... 404
Salary Administration and Position
Classification Division ................ 428, 430
Salary Plan, State ........................... 430
Sales and Use Tax Division. ................... 164
Salisbury State University. .................... 563
Sanitary Commission, Washington Suburban ...... 673
Saratoga State Center Division. ............ 263, 269
Savage Mountain Youth Center ............ 373,381
Savings and Loan Associations Division. ......... 400
Savings and Loan Unit, Civil, AG .............. 177
Scenic and Wild Rivers Review Board ....... 405, 414
Schaefer House, William Donald ........... 373, 380
Schaefer Public Policy Center, William Donald . . , 562
Scholarship Administration ................... 516
School accreditation......................... 234
School Accreditation Branch, Nonpublic ......... 226
School and Community Outreach .............. 225
School Asbestos Assistance Division. ............ 259
School Construction Interagency Committee...... 169
School Construction Program, Public. ........... 169
School Construction Task Force ................ 604
School enrollment data. Public................... 8
School Facilities Branch .................. 225, 232
School Funding Commission .................. 605
School Health Council....................... 321
School Improvement and Program Enrichment 236, 240
School Improvement Office ............... 227, 236
School Library Media Services ............. 226, 233
School Library Media Services and State Media
Services Branch. ......................... 234
School Performance, Product, and Service
Development Office .................. 225, 232
School Performance Office.................... 240
School Vehicle Safety Division, Licensing and . 471, 480
School-to-Work Transition Services Branch. . . . 227, 239
Schools. ............... 8, 169, 223, 237, 321, 379,
Schools Superintendent, State ..... 179, 225, 230, 231
Science Advisory Board, DNR............. 407, 418
Science Advisory Council, Governor's ........... 590
Science and Math School Improvement Project,
Governor's ............................. 236
Science Week Commission .................... 591
General Index /967
Sea Grant College, Maryland. ................. 571
Seafood and Aquaculture Loan Fund............ 215
Seafood Directory, Maryland ................... 190
Seafood Market, Wholesale ................... 510
Seafood Marketing. ..................... 185, 190
advisory commission ................. 185, 190
Seafood Processing Plant, Rock Hall............ 510
Seafood production ....................... 3, 416
Seal, State ................................. 12
Secondhand precious metal objects and
pawnbrokers liccnsure ................ 388, 399
Secretary of State....................... 139, 142
biography of Secretary Athey ................ 34
duties................................. 142
Section 8 Certificate/Voucher Program.......... 339
Securities Division ...................... 172, 177
Sediment and Stormwater Administration........ 259
Segmental Advisory Council .................. 514
Self-Esteem Task Force. ...................... 605
Sellers of Money Orders and Travelers Checks Law . . . 390
Senate, State ......................... 25, 40, 51
chamber................................ 55
floor leaders .......................... 40,51
history ................................. 53
legislative process. ........................ 41
president ......................... 40, 51, 56
Senate, U.S. See U.S. Senators
Senators, State........................... 25, 40
biographies ............................. 56
list (alphabetical) ......................... 68
list by county ........................... 116
list by legislative election district ............ 119
qualifications for office..................... 40
Senior Information and Assistance Program ...... 488
Sentencing Guidelines Committee.............. 657
Septics and Wells, Individual .............. 246, 256
Service and Citizenship Advisory Board. ......... 605
Service Commission. ........................ 591
Service Corps. ............................. 157
Services and Logistics, DGS .............. 263, 270
Settlement Expense Loan Program ............. 338
Sewage disposal companies regulation. .......... 541
Sewage disposal plants. ...................... 674
Sewerage Program, Community ............... 258
Sexual Exploitation Task Force, Health
Professional-Client. ...................... 513
Shelter, Nutrition, and Services Program for
Homeless Individuals Board. ............... 364
Shelter I Program, DHCD ................... 338
Shock Trauma Center, Cowley................. 572
Shore Erosion Control Program. ........... 408, 419
Sisters Program, Maryland. ............... 207, 214
Skipjacks .................................. 13
Small Business Development Center Network. 206, 211
Small Business Development Financing
Authority (MSBDFA) ................ 207, 215
Small Cities Community Development Block
Grant Program. ......................... 347
Small Urban Waterfront Development Program . . . 342
Social Security Income Drug and Alcohol Project . . . 296