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Maryland Manual, 1994-95
Volume 186, Page 836   View pdf image
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836 / General Election 1992
Question 4

(CHAPTER 206, ACTS OF 1992)

Provides that the right to a jury trial in civil
proceedings preserved by Article 23 of the Decla-
ration of Rights applies only when the amount in
controversy exceeds $5,000.

................................ For .................... Against

Allegany County ........ 8,850 ........... 6,668
Anne Arundel County . . 106,374 .......... 44,803
Baltimore City ......... 94,291 .......... 34,404
Baltimore County ..... 145,298 .......... 54,528
Calvert County ......... 9,538 ........... 4,686
Caroline County ........ 3,234 ........... 1,521
Carroll County. ........ 27,148 .......... 15,155
Cecil County ........... 9,999 ........... 6,294
Charles County ........ 14,125 ........... 7,322
Dorchester County ...... 3,859 ........... 1,703
Frederick County....... 32,198 .......... 16,264
Garrett County ......... 3,274 ........... 2,859
Harford County. ....... 46,632 .......... 20,230
Howard County. ....... 60,351 .......... 20,817
Kent County ........... 2,801 ........... 1,244
Montgomery County. . . 208,749 .......... 77,697
Prince George's County. 145,509 .......... 38,328
Queen Anne's County .... 6,207 ........... 2,784
St. Mary's County ....... 9,596 ........... 5,611
Somerset County ........ 2,063 ........... 1,245
Talbot County .......... 6,559 ........... 2,086
Washington County ..... 15,128 ........... 9,238
Wicomico County ...... 11,611 ........... 5,353
Worcester County ....... 8,104 ........... 3,398
Total .......................... 981,498 ......... 384,238

Question 5

(CHAPTER 207, ACTS OF 1992)

Amends the Constitution of Maryland to in-
crease from 12 to 18 months the time that a charter
board created after November 3, 1992 has to pre-
pare a charter.

...................................... For ................. Against

Allegany County ........ 7,041 ........... 7,955
Anne Arundel County . . . 73,092 .......... 77,855
Baltimore City ......... 86,311 .......... 37,930
Baltimore County ..... 109,885 .......... 79,698
Calvert County ......... 7,379 ........... 6,356
Caroline County ........ 2,487 ........... 2,127
Carroll County, ........ 18,983 .......... 24,424
Cecil County ........... 7,402 ........... 8,966
Charles County ........ 10,998 .......... 10,273
Dorchester County ...... 3,041 ........... 2,382
Frederick County....... 24,721 .......... 24,546
Garrett County ......... 2,263 ........... 4,432
Harford County. ....... 32,202 .......... 34,021
Howard County. ....... 42,851 .......... 36,548
Kent County ........... 2,089 ........... 1,862

Maryland Manual 1994-1995

Montgomery County. . . 152,952 ......... 123,951
Prince George's County. 129,208 .......... 52,364
Queen Anne's County .... 4,733 ........... 3,983
St. Mary's County ....... 7,855 ........... 7,249
Somerset County ........ 1,737 ........... 1,485
Talbot County .......... 4,553 ........... 3,700
Washington County ..... 12,546 .......... 11,913
Wicomico County ....... 8,963 ........... 7,323
Worcester County ....... 6,441 ........... 5,113
Total ........................... 759,733 ........... 576,456

Question 6


Revises Maryland's abortion law to prohibit
State interference with woman's abortion decision
before fetus is viable, or, under certain conditions,
at any time and to provide certain exceptions to the
requirement that a physician notify an unmarried
minor's parent or guardian prior to minor's abor-
tion; repeals pre-abortion information require-
ments about abortion alternatives; repeals some,
and clarifies other, provisions related to abortion
referral; requires that abortions be performed by
licensed physicians; provides good-faith immunity
under certain conditions to physicians performing
abortions; authorizes State to adopt abortion regu-
lations; repeals certain penalty and disciplinary pro-
visions related to the performance of abortions.

.................................... For .................. Against

Allegany County ........ 9.478 .......... 15,079
Anne Arundel County . . 108,394 .......... 71,077
Baltimore City ........ 132,697 .......... 67,237
Baltimore County ..... 180,818 ......... 113,755
Calvert County ........ 10,944 ........... 8,385
Caroline County ........ 3,482 ........... 3.550
Carroll County. ........ 26,362 .......... 25,328
Cecil County .......... 11,015 .......... 11,590
Charles County ........ 14.994 .......... 14,804
Dorchester County ...... 4,789 ........... 4,037
Frederick County. ...... 32,721 .......... 29,042
Garrett County ......... 2,683 ........... 6,223
Harford County. ....... 41,125 .......... 36,360
Howard County. ....... 63,141 .......... 34,305
Kent County ........... 4,026 ........... 2,167
Montgomery County. . . 246,361 ......... 104,982
Prince George's County. 153,741 .......... 78,328
Queen Anne's County .... 7,542 ........... 4,948
St. Mary's County ....... 9,852 .......... 11,166
Somerset County ........ 2,350 ........... 3,260
Talbot County .......... 7,643 ........... 4,342
Washington County ..... 19,187 .......... 21,473
Wicomico County ...... 12,975 .......... 11,861
Worcester County ....... 8,057 ........... 7,243
Total ....................... 1,114,377 ........... 690,542


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Maryland Manual, 1994-95
Volume 186, Page 836   View pdf image
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