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Maryland Manual, 1994-95
Volume 186, Page 835   View pdf image
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Maryland Manual 1994-1995
Question 1

(CHAPTER 203, ACTS OF 1992)

Provides that in any civil proceeding in which
the right to a jury trial is preserved the parties are
entitled to a trial by jury of at least 6 jurors, and the
Constitution of Maryland does not prohibit a trial
by jury of less than 12 jurors.

................................... For ................. Against

Allegany County ....... 11,757 ........... 5,023
Anne Arundel County . . 125,588 .......... 36,996
Baltimore City ........ 116,766 .......... 27,562
Baltimore County ..... 169,309 .......... 49,200
Calvert County ........ 11,856 ........... 3,862
Caroline County ........ 3,885 ........... 1,455
Carroll County. ........ 33,268 .......... 13,382
Cecil County .......... 12,519 ........... 5,740
Charles County ........ 18,762 ........... 5,987
Dorchester County ...... 4,668 ........... 1,543
Frederick County....... 40,538 .......... 13,670
Garrett County ......... 4,034 ........... 2,613
Harford County. ....... 53,098 .......... 19,409
Howard County. ....... 69,647 .......... 17,783
Kent County ........... 3,440 ........... 1,099
Montgomery County. . . 264,050 .......... 55,642
Prince George's County. 167,779 .......... 29,768
Queen Anne's County .... 7,381 ........... 2,517
St. Mary's County ...... 12,063 ........... 4,905
Somerset County ........ 2,720 ........... 1,093
Talbot County .......... 7,677 ........... 2,154
Washington County ..... 19,217 ........... 7,835
Wicomico County ...... 14,394 ........... 4,812
Worcester County ....... 9,896 ........... 3,091
Total .................... 1,184,312 .............. 317,141

Question 2

(CHAPTER 204, ACTS OF 1992)

Provides that in any civil proceeding in which
the right to a jury trial is preserved the parties are
entitled to a trial by jury of at least 6 jurors, and the
Constitution of Maryland does not prohibit a trial
by jury of less than 12 jurors.

................................. For ...................... Against

Allegany County ....... 10,911 ........... 5,015
Anne Arundel County . . 117,865 .......... 36,698
Baltimore City ........ 107,760 .......... 26,642
Baltimore County ..... 157,171 .......... 48,788
Calvert County ........ 11,743 ........... 3,895
Caroline County ........ 3,521 ........... 1,501
Carroll County. ........ 30,928 .......... 12,693

1992 General Election / 835

Cecil County .......... 11,247 ........... 5,731
Charles County ........ 16,317 ........... 6,079
Dorchester County ...... 4,223 ........... 1,528
Frederick County....... 36,712 .......... 13,069
Garrett County ......... 3,703 ........... 2,571
Harford County. ....... 49,958 .......... 18,727
Howard County. ....... 65,599 .......... 17,516
Kent County ........... 3,061 ........... 1,100
Montgomery County. . . 253,738 .......... 52,094
Prince George's County. 158,892 .......... 29,227
Queen Anne's County .... 6,712 ........... 2,555
St. Mary's County ...... 10,901 ........... 4,862
Somerset County ........ 2,440 ........... 1,083
Talbot County .......... 7,145 ........... 2,100
Washington County ..... 17,427 ........... 7,604
Wicomico County ...... 12,838 ........... 4,845
Worcester County ....... 8,910 ........... 2,918
Total ......................... 1,109,722 ........ 308,841

Question 3

(CHAPTER 205, ACTS OF 1992)

Provides that the right to a jury trial in civil
proceedings preserved by Article 23 of the Decla-
ration of Rights applies only when the amount in
controversy exceeds $5,000.

.................................... For .................. Against

Allegany County ........ 9,092 ........... 6,746
Anne Arundel County . . 110,534 .......... 45,249
Baltimore City ......... 97,443 .......... 35,567
Baltimore County ..... 151,347 .......... 55,979
Calvert County ......... 9,771 ........... 5,781
Caroline County ........ 3,331 ........... 1,847
Carroll County. ........ 29,152 .......... 14,786
Cecil County .......... 10,383 ........... 7,359
Charles County ........ 14,624 ........... 9,756
Dorchester County ...... 4,097 ........... 1,728
Frederick County. ...... 33,249 .......... 16,589
Garrett County ......... 3,384 ........... 2,915
Harford County. ....... 48,813 .......... 20,734
Howard County. ....... 63,044 .......... 21,333
Kent County ........... 2,925 ........... 1.495
Montgomery County. . . 218,046 .......... 77,309
Prince George's County. 149,952 .......... 39,446
Queen Anne's County .... 6,323 ........... 3,285
St. Mary's County ....... 9,885 ........... 7,057
Somerset County ........ 2,190 ........... 1,650
Talbot County .......... 6,891 ........... 2,425
Washington County..... 15,731 ........... 9,461
Wicomico County ...... 12,107 ........... 6,576
Worcester County ....... 8,523 ........... 3,532
Total ......................... 1,020,837 ........ 398,605


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Maryland Manual, 1994-95
Volume 186, Page 835   View pdf image
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