Maryland Manual 1994-1995
Selected by legislative delegations from Frederick,
Montgomery & Prince George's counties: Gloria G.
Lawlah; Carol S. Petzold.
Ex officio: Paul J. Wiedefeld, Maryland Dept. of
The National Capital Region Transportation
Planning Board was created in 1965 by a memoran-
dum of agreement among officials of Maryland,
Virginia, the District of Columbia, and local gov-
ernments in the region. The Board was established
to meet the transportation planning requirement of
the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1962, and, in 1966,
became associated with the Council of Govern-
ments. The Board receives staff and administrative
services from the Council and acts as the Council's
transportation policy committee.
The Board fulfills federal requirements for re-
gional transportation planning, a condition of eli-
gibility for federal transit and highway assistance. It
develops and adopts regional transportation plans
and programs based on assessing and analyzing
data on travel patterns in the Washington metro-
politan area.
Chairperson: Ellen M. Bozman, Arlington County,
Maryland members appointed by local jurisdictions:
Bowie: Gary G. Allen
College Park: Joseph E. Page
Frederick: Frances G. Baker
Gaithersburg: Julius J. Persensky
Greenbelt: Thomas X. White
Rockville: James T. Marrinan
Takoma Park: Edward F. Sharp
Calvert County: Mary M. King
Charles County: Thomas (Mac) Middleton
Frederick County: Ronald L. Sundergill
Montgomery County: Neal Potter; William E. Hanna.
Prince George's County: Parris N. Glendenning;
Hilda R. Pemberton.
Selected by legislative delegations from Calvert,
Charles, Frederick, Montgomery & Prince George's
counties: Stephen J. Braun; Arthur Dorman.
Ex officio: Merrylin Zaw-Mon, Maryland Dept. of
the Environment; Missy Drissel, Maryland Dept. of
In 1991, the Metropolitan Washington Air
Quality Committee was certified by the mayor of
Washington, DC, and the governors of Maryland
and Virginia as the entity responsible for carrying
out the federal planning requirements of the Clean
Air Act amendments of 1990 in the Washington
Metropolitan Statistical Area. The Committee de-
velops strategies to reduce emissions that pollute
Interstate Agencies /787
the air. The Committee also conducts air quality
regional planning to meet the 1999 federal deadline
mandated for ozone reduction and other require-
ments for reducing levels of ozone and carbon
monoxide pollution.
Chairperson: Lee G. Anderson, Ph.D., Delaware
Maryland members appointed by U.S. Secretary of
Commerce upon nomination by Governor: W. Peter
Jensen; Gilbert Radonski.
David Kelfer, Executive Director
Federal Building, Room 2115
300 South New St.
Dover, DE 19901—6790 (302) 674-2331/2
Annapolis: (410) 974-3558
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council
was established in 1976 in accordance with the
Federal Fishery Conservation and Management Act
of 1976, as amended. The act gives the United
States exclusive management authority over fisher-
ies (except for highly migratory species of tuna)
within a fishery conservation zone of 3 to 200 miles
offshore. For both domestic and foreign fisheries,
the law was enacted to ensure sound fishery conser-
vation and management measures.
The Mid-Atlantic Council is one of eight regional
fishery management councils established as planning
units to carry out provisions of the federal act. Each
council prepares fishery management plans for imple-
mentation by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce.
With a total of twenty-three members, the Mid-
Atlantic Council is made up of representatives from
Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Penn-
sylvania, and Virginia. Nineteen voting members
include the Regional Director, National Marine
Fisheries Service; a state fisheries official from each
state; and twelve public members selected by the
U.S. Secretary of Commerce upon nomination by
the state governors. Public members serve three-
year terms. Four nonvoting members represent the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; U.S. Coast Guard;
U.S. Department of State; and Atlantic States Ma-
rine Fisheries Commission.
Chairperson: John G. Tarburton, Delaware
c/o Office of the Secretary
Dept. of Agriculture
50 Harry S Truman Parkway.
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410) 841-5880