Maryland Manual 1994-1995
President: Francis X. Raskauskas, Delaware, 1995
1st Vice-President: Carol D. Stockley, Maryland, 1993
2nd Vice-President: H. J. Lambertson, Jr., Virginia, 1996
Treasurer: James W. Taylor, Maryland, 1994
Maryland members appointed by Governor: Lewis R.
Riley, 1993; Albert B. Atkinson, 1994; one vacancy.
Dale A. Maginnis, Acting Executive Director & Secretary
P. O. Box 4277
Salisbury, MD 21803—4277 (410) 742-9271
The Delmarva Advisory Council was formed in
1964 as a voluntary association by the governors of
Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia within the region
known as the Delmarva Peninsula. In 1984, Mary-
land joined her neighbor states in establishing the
Council by statute (Chapter 671, Acts of 1984).
To advance the economic and cultural welfare of
the people of the Delmarva Peninsula, the Council
advises, counsels, and assists government agencies and
private organizations concerned with developing the
resources and economy of the region. The Council
helps governments work together and resolve inter -
jurisdictional disputes in a public forum.
The Council is composed of five gubernatorial
appointees from each state, as well as county offi-
cials, designated municipal officials, and citizens.
Maryland financial support for the Council comes
from participating Maryland counties and from the
State through the budget for the Department of
Economic and Employment Development (Code
1957, Art. 32B, secs. 1-101 through 1-111).
Frank Newman, Executive Director
707 17th St., Suite 2700
Denver, CO 80202 (303) 299-3600
The Education Commission of the States oper-
ates under the Compact for Education, which
Maryland ratified in 1966 (Chapter 128, Acts of
1966). The Commission links state and local execu-
tive, legislative, professional, educational and lay
leaders to a national network. The Commission
informs political and educational leaders of current
trends and ideas in education and provides a forum
for public education policy.
The Commission is a national clearinghouse for
information on educational problems and their so-
lutions. This information is available to state and
local governments, and lay and professional groups.
Maryland pays an annual state membership assess-
ment. The members of the Maryland Education
Council represent Maryland on the Commission.
Interstate Agencies /785
Appointed by Governor. Shaila R. Aery, Ed.D., Secretary of
Higher Education; Martha Eleanor Church; Mary L. Nock.
Appointed by Senate President: Clarence W. Blount
Appointed by House Speaker: Howard P. Rawlings
Ex officio: William Donald Schaefer, Governor; Nancy
S. Grasmick, Ph.D., State Superintendent of Schools.
The Maryland Education Council was created in
1966 to represent Maryland on the Education Com-
mission of the States (Chapter 128, Acts of 1966).
The Council consists of seven members. The
Governor appoints three members who are inter-
ested in educational matters and who reflect the
interests of State government, higher education,
the State educational system, and local education
agencies. Their terms coincide with those of the
appointing Governor. The President of the Senate
and the Speaker of the House of Delegates each
appoint one member. The Governor and the State
Superintendent of Schools serve ex officio (Code
Education Article, secs. 25-101 through 25-104).
Chairperson: Ron M. Linton, District of Columbia
Maryland members appointed by Governor: Robert F.
Tardio, 1996; Norman M. Glasgow, Jr., Esq., 1998.
44 Canal Center Plaza
Alexandria, VA 22314 (703) 739-8600
The Metropolitan Washington Airports Author-
ity was created in 1986 by District of Columbia and
Virginia laws. As an independent regional body, the
Authority operates Washington National and
Washington Dulles International Airports, for-
merly run by the federal government. The airports
are operated under a 50-year lease between the U.S.
Department of Transportation and the Metropoli-
tan Washington Airports Authority. As an airport
operator, the Authority can issue tax-exempt bonds
to finance major capital improvements.
The Authority's Board of Directors has eleven
members who serve six-year terms. Five are ap-
pointed by the Governor of Virginia, three by the
Mayor of the District of Columbia, two by the
Governor of Maryland, and one by the President of
the United States.
Chairperson: Norman Y. Mineta, California, 1998
Appointed by Board of Directors: Lawrence Coughlin,
Pennsylvania, 1998; J. James Exon, Nebraska,