Maryland Manual 1994-1995
House of Delegates members representing Allegany,
Garrett and Washington counties: Peter G. Callas;
John P. Donoghue; George C. Edwards; Kevin
Kelly; D. Bruce Poole; Casper R. Taylor, Jr.; Betty
Michael J. Wagoner, Director
111 South George St.
Cumberland, MD 21502 (301) 777-2158
Functions of the Tri-County Council for Western
Maryland originated with the formation of the Gover-
nor's Council for Appalachian Maryland in 1968. The
Governor's Council was replaced in 1971, when the
Tri-County Council for Western Maryland was chartered
as a nonprofit corporation to serve Maryland's western
counties of Allegany, Garrett, and Washington. Formerly
under the Department of Economic and Community
Development, the Council became an independent
agency in 1986 (Chapter 861, Acts of 1986).
An association of the governments of Allegany, Garrett
and Washington counties, the Council serves as a regional
planning and development agency for the tri-county area.
Using State aid, the Council fosters the physical, economic
and social development of Western Maryland.
The Council receives planning assistance funds
from the federal Economic Development Administra-
tion and the Appalachian Regional Commission. The
Council uses these funds for administrative expenses
to support regional economic development programs.
These programs create or retain full-time permanent
jobs and improve income characteristics, particularly
for the unemployed and underemployed in the most
distressed areas of the region. To facilitate planning,
the Council may prepare studies of the region's re-
sources; gather and analyze social and economic data;
and join with other government agencies, educational
institutions, and private organizations in coordinating
research. The Council's work program enhances the
quality of economic development activities in the re-
gion and strengthens relationships among the various
local units of government.
The Council's program for direct business assis-
tance and enterprise development includes a Revolv-
ing Loan Fund program, Procurement and Export
Assistance, and Data Center Services. The program
for local government assistance focuses on grantsman-
ship and data base resource capabilities as well as
facilitating intergovernmental cooperation.
Annually, the Council submits its proposed work
program and operating budget for the next fiscal
year to the Department of Economic and Employ-
ment Development.
The Council is comprised of twenty-seven mem-
bers. Twenty-three are voting members and four are
nonvoting. From each county, the Council has three
representatives of county government appointed by
the county commissioners; one elected municipal
official chosen by the respective municipal govern-
ments ofthe county; the county economic develop-
Intercounty Agencies / 673
ment director; and a private sector representative.
The House of Delegates members who represent
Allegany, Garrett and Washington counties and the
two State Senators for the tri-county area also serve
on the Council (Code 1957, Art. 20A, secs. 1-101
through 3-102).
John J. McMullen, Jr., Chairperson, 1995
Appointed by Allegany County Board of County
Commissioners: R. Neil Williams, 1995
Appointed by Garrett County Board of County
Commissioners: Wendell R. Beitzel, 1995
Maryland Avenue Extended
Westernport, MD 21562 (301) 777-1515
The Upper Potomac River Commission was estab-
lished in 1935 (Chapter 409, Acts of 1935). It super-
vises the Savage River Dam, which regulates the flow
of the Potomac River. The Commission has jurisdic-
tion over the water resources of Allegany County and
Election District 4 (Bloomington) in Garrett County.
The Commission consists of three members ap-
pointed for six-year terms. The Governor appoints
the chairperson; and the Allegany County and Gar-
rett County Boards of County Commissioners each
appoint one member.
Chairperson: Lewis M. Helm, Montgomery County,
Vice-Chairperson: Robert M. Potter, Prince George's
County, 1995
Appointed by Montgomery County Executive with
County Council consent: Waymond D. Bray, 1995;
Robert G. Berger, 1997.
Appointed by Prince George's County Executive with
County Council consent: Henry T. Arrington, 1995;
Elizabeth Buck, 1997.
Cortez A. White, General Manager
14501 Sweitzer Lane
Laurel, MD 20707 (301) 206-8000
customer services: (301) 206-4001
Office of Communications: (301) 206-8100
24-hour emergency service: (301) 206-4002
The Washington Suburban Sanitary Commis
sion, the governing body of the Washington Sub-
urban Sanitary District, was created in 1918
(Chapter 122, Acts of 1918). It provides for the