606 /Executive Commissions
Chris Holmes, Co-Chairperson
James Lyons, Co-Chairperson
Contact: Cecily M. Majerus, Chesapeake Bay Coordinator
c/o Office of the Governor
State House
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410) 974-3004
The Task Force concluded its work at the end of
1990 and was succeeded by the Governor's Execu-
tive Committee on Trees and Forests.
Leonard Elenowitz, C.I.D., Coordinator
c/o Small Business Development Center
Dept. of Economic & Employment Development
217 East Redwood St., 10th floor
Baltimore, MD 21202 (410) 333-6995
The Council has been inactive since 1991.
Susan R. Guarnieri, M.D., Chairperson
Michael E. Johns, M.D., Vice-Chairperson
Appointed by Governor (who named chair): Joanna
Abercrombie; Patricia B. Brack; Gail Condon;
Raylene Decatur; Chuck Donofrio; Carole M.
Esch; Catherine C. Fenselau, Ph.D.; Laurie Flynn;
James A. Guest; Elizabeth Hurwitz-Schwab;
Cynthia E. Kielinen, Ed.D.; Lainy M.
LeBow-Sachs; Gail Schoen Lemaire, R.N.; Sally J.
Michel; Mary G. Mussman, M.D., M.P.H.; Sr.
Rosemarie T. Nassif, Ph.D.; Sandra Pinckney;
Maryland Manual 1994-1995
Vivian W. Pinn, M.D.; Donald J. Shepard; Mary
M. Woolley. Terms expire 1994.
Designated by Senate President: Mary H. Boergers
Designated by House Speaker. Frank D. Boston, Jr.
Ex officio: Nelson J. Sabatini, Secretary of Health &
Mental Hygiene; Carolyn W. Colvin, Secretary of
Human Resources; Nancy S. Grasmick, Ph.D., State
Superintendent of Schools; Sharon L. 0'Keefe,
designee of President, University of Maryland Medical
System Corp.; Catherine D. DeAngelis, M.D.,
designee of President, Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Contact: Dianne White
c/o Office of the Secretary
Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene
201 West Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 225-6816
The Governor's Commission on Women's Health
was formed by the Governor in February 1993
(Executive Order 01.01.1993.04). The Commis-
sion's charge was to prepare an action plan to
improve the health of women in Maryland. The
Commission also was to determine how women's
health and related services could be coordinated in
programs for education, prevention, treatment, and
better access to health care. To prevent health prob
lems, the Commission considered how the public
and private sectors might work together.
The Commission focused on three main areas in
relation to women's health: mental health and mo-
tivated behaviors; nutrition and lifestyle; and life
cycle issues. On November 19,1993, the Commis-
sion reported to the Governor.