Maryland Manual 1994-1995
The Governor's Task Force on School Construc-
tion was formed in October 1992 by the Governor
(Executive Order 01.01.1992.21; Executive Order
The Task Force charge was to study and review the
Public School Construction Program. Matters re-
viewed included project requests from the twenty-
four local school systems for the next five to ten
years; the State and local shared-cost formula; the
State-rated capacity formula for elementary
schools; and State policies and procedures for fund-
ing prekindergarten programs and educational fa-
cilities. The Task Force investigated as well
alternative funding for forward-funded projects—
those projects undertaken by local government in
anticipation of State approval and, therefore, State
reimbursement. Program policies, practices, and
procedures also were reviewed by the Task Force to
ensure that all projects comply with State and local
growth management plans and policies; school fa-
cilities are maintained properly; and buildings being
designed or under construction meet the needs of
future students, educators, and the business com-
The Task Force submitted its final report to the
Governor on July 30, 1993.
Donald P. Hutchinson, Chairperson
Appointed by Governor (who named chair): J. Edward
Andrews, Ed.D.; Arthur M. Boyd; Valerie V.
Cloutier, Esq.; Charles W. Cole, Jr.; Rhoda M.
Dorsey, Ph.D.; William R. Ecker; Wayne F. Gersen;
Dana M. Jones; Stephen Lenzo; Susan P. Leviton,
Esq.; Edward F. Mitchell; Judith S. Sachwald.
Designated by Senate President: John A. Cade; Barbara
A. Hoffman; Laurence Levitan; Beatrice P. Tignor.
Designated by House Speaker. Henry B. Heller; Sheila E.
Hixson; Timothy F. Maloney; Howard P. Rawlings.
Ex officio: Charles L. Benton, Jr., Secretary of
Budget & Fiscal Planning; Nancy S. Grasmick,
Ph.D., State Superintendent of Schools.
Lois A. Martin, Executive Director
c/o State Dept. of Education
200 West Baltimore St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 333-2294
The Governor formed the Governor's Commission
on School Funding in May 1993. The Commis-
sion's charge was to recommend an equitable for-
mula by which to apportion State funds for public
education to Maryland's twenty-three counties and
Baltimore City. The Commission also was to evalu-
ate how wisely local school systems are spending
the State funds that they currently receive.
Executive Commissions /605
The Commission submitted a preliminary report in
November 1993, and a final report in January
1994. Commission recommendations were made
for the General Assembly to consider during its
1994 regular session.
Susan White-Bowden, Chairperson
Dr. Charles H. Flatter, Executive Director
c/o Dept. of Human Development
Benjamin Building
University of Maryland College Park
College Park, MD 20742 (301) 405-2818
In February 1991, the Task Force's interim report
was submitted to the Governor, followed by its final
report in July 1991.
Sally J. Michel, Chairperson
c/o Office on Volunteerism
301 West Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 225-4496
In 1990, the Governor's Advisory Board on Service
and Citizenship was formed by the Governor. The
Board advised the Governor on developing na-
tional service programs. The Board disbanded
when the Governor's Commission on Service was
created in 1994.
Chairperson: William K. Hellmann, former
Secretary of Transportation
Appointed by Governor (who named chair): Tyras S.
Athey; Donald M. Bowman; David Bramble; John
A. Cade; James R. (Ron) DeJuliis; Norman M.
Glasgow; Barbara A. Hoffman; Laurence Levitan;
Charles J. Ryan; Ellen R. Sauerbrey; Otis Warren.
Ex officio: Lucille Maurer, State Treasurer; Charles L.
Benton, Jr., Secretary of Budget & Fiscal Planning;
O. James Lighthizer, Secretary of Transportation.
c/o Dept. of Transportation
P.O. Box 8755
BWI Airport, MD 21240 (410) 859-7600
The Governor formed the Governor's Transporta-
tion Revenue Committee in 1990. The Committee
analyzed the State Transportation Trust Fund; as-
sessed Maryland's transportation needs; and rec-
ommended a capital program for State
transportation and sources of revenue for its sup-
The Committee reported to the Governor in Janu-
ary 1991.