Maryland Manual 1994-1995
Robert B. Watts, Chairperson
Jillyn K. Schulze, Esq., Coordinator
c/o Office of the Governor
State House, Room 209
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410) 974-3560
The Task Force submitted its final report in October
1992. In keeping with Task Force recommenda-
tions, the General Assembly gave the Chief Judge
of the Court of Appeals the authority to establish a
Family Division in each Circuit Court wherever
feasible (Chapter 198, Acts of 1993). The feasibility
of establishing these Family Divisions was examined
by the Family Division Review Committee, a judi-
cial committee chaired by the Chief Judge of the
Court of Appeals.
John J. Mitchell, Chairperson
Appointed by Governor (who named chair): Gary R.
Alexander; Norman Blankman, M.D.; Joseph G.
Deegan; Arthur Dorman; Thomas G. Duncan;
Lenneal Henderson, Ph.D.; R. Hunter Nelms, Jr.;
Samuel F. Sessa; Kathleen D. Vogt.
Ex officio: T. Eloise Foster, designee of Secretary of
Budget & Fiscal Planning; Robert N. Shoeplein,
designee of Secretary of Economic & Employment
Development; Mary G. Mussman, M.D., designee
of Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene; William
A. Fogle, Jr., Secretary of Licensing & Regulation;
Bishop L. Robinson, Secretary of Public Safety &
Correctional Services; Maj. John P. Cook, Jr.,
designee of Superintendent, Maryland State Police;
Susan E. Elson, designee of Secretary of State.
Contact: Judith B. Donaldson
c/o Office of the Secretary
Dept. of Licensing and Regulation
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202 (410) 333-8087
The Governor's Task Force to Study Gambling was
formed by the Governor in August 1993 (Executive
Order 01.01.1993.19). The Task Force charge was
to examine evidence of illegal gambling and its
location in the State; identify and analyze all forms,
legal or illegal, of organized gambling statewide;
and determine what abuses are occurring and
whether State oversight, in the form of regulatory
structure, taxes or new laws, could prevent abuse.
The Task Force also was to study new types of
gambling in the U.S. and their potential for reve-
nue; identify organizations that assist addicted
gamblers; and consider any other questions related
to gambling in Maryland.
The Task Force submitted a final report to the
Governor in January 10,1994.
Executive Commissions / 601
Michael D. Barnes, Chairperson
Staff: M. Gail Moran
c/o Office of State Planning
301 West Preston St., Room 1101
Baltimore MD 21201—2365 (410) 225-4561
The Commission submitted a final report to the
Governor in January 1991.
Eugene M. Feinblatt, Chairperson
Contact: Richard I. Smith, Staff Director
c/o Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene
201 West Preston St., Room 137
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 225-5941
The Governor's Commission on Health Care Policy
and Financing submitted its recommendations in a
series of five report volumes. Volumes I and II
included joint interim recommendations of the
Commission and the Committee on Uninsured Per-
sons and Uncompensated Care (Oct. 26, 1990;
March 14,1991). Volume III was the third and final
report on the uninsured and concerned the Univer-
sal Health Coverage Program for Maryland (Dec.
20,1991). Volume IV included joint recommenda-
tions of the Commission and the Committee on
Simplified Medical Billing (Dec. 20,1991). Volume
V included joint recommendations of the Commis-
sion and the Committee on Long-Term Care (Dec.
20, 1991). The Commission concluded its work in
February 1992.
Richard T. Johnson, M.D., Chairperson
Appointed by Governor (who named chair): Robert C.
Adams, Sr.; John G. Bartlett, M.D.; Margaret W.
Bridwell.M.D.; Don-Neil Brotman, D.D.S.; Merry
L. Coplin; Curtis L. Decker; Arthur Dorman; Elias
A. Dorsey; Robert W. Eastridge; Roger L.
Eldridge, D.D.S.; Fred A. Gill, M.D.; Paula C.
Hollinger; Ferne E. Johnson; John P. Johnson,
M.D.; Howard Edward Marshall; Maureen E.
Holland McCleary; James E. McClellan; James R.
Swenson; John R. Watson III; Robert B. Watts;
Charles E. Wilkerson; Jack M. Zimmerman, M.D.
Contact: Karen R. Wulff
c/o AIDS Administration
Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene
201 West Preston St., Room 301
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 225-5013
The Governor established the Governor's Council
on HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) Pre-
vention and Treatment in June 1991 (Executive
Order 01.01.1991.21). The new council replaced
the Governor's Advisory Council on AIDS (Ac-
quired Immune Deficiency Syndrome).