Maryland Manual 1994-1995
Robert J. Dvorak; William Eckman; C. Bernard
Fowler; Parris N. Glendening; Michele Gomez; Leo
E. Green; Reginald W. Griffith; Jon R. Grimm; Frank
A. Jaklitsch; Ronald M. Kreitner; Gloria G. Lawlah;
David Lawton; Murray D. Levy; Thomas (Mac)
Middleton; Hagner R. Mister; Robert R. Neall;
Thomas L. Osbome; Fern V. Piret; Joan B. Pitkin;
James E. Proctor, Jr.; William Schultz; Jacquelyn
Seneschal; James C. Simpson; Robert A. Thornton,
Jr.; Lawrence Warman; Mark L. Wasserman; F.
Kirwin Wineland; John F. Wood, Jr.
Kathleen A. Coakley, Chairperson
Rev. Jonathan L. Weaver, Vice-Chairperson
Peter M. Dunbar, Chairperson
Matthew C. Perry, Vice-Chairperson
Joseph J. Lavorgna, Chairperson
Lee R. Epstein, Vice-Chairperson
James D. Collett, Jr., Chairperson
Tate Armstrong, Vice-Chairperson
c/o State Highway Administration
Dept. of Transportation
707 North Calvert St., Room 506
Baltimore, MD 21202 (410) 333-1112
In March 1993, the Governor by letter created the
U.S. 301 South Corridor Transportation Study Task
Force. The Task Force brings together citizens and
representatives of State and local government agencies
to develop transportation strategies for southern
Maryland. The Task Force is to study transit needs for
U.S. Route 301 south of Bowie from U.S. Route 50
south to the Potomac River. The road runs through
Prince George's and Charles counties but affects the
transportation patterns of neighboring Anne Arun-
del, Calvert and St. Mary's counties as well. Recom-
mendations of the Task Force will integrate land use
and open space planning, local community design,
and environmental protection into the transportation
planning process.
The Mass Transit Administration and the State
Highway Administration of the Department of
Transportation provide technical support to the
Task Force.
Marshall M. Meyer, Chairperson
Appointed by Governor: Robert L. Abrams; Sanford
Abrams; Paul T. Baker; Capt. Martin L.
Beauchamp; Mary Bergman; William L. Bertazon;
Robert J. Bittman, Esq.; Robert L. Blackburn;
Executive Commissions /595
George A. Boston; Sgt. Clarence O. Brickey;
Richard C. Britt; George B. Brosan; H. Stafford
(Skip) Bullen, Jr.; Sgt. Steven G. Calarco; Karl L.
Campbell; William P. Canty; Peter C. Cobb; Sgt.
Norman R. Cochran; Joseph R. Coppola; William
L. Cotton III; George C. Cox; Henri A. Daniels;
Lt. Frederick E. Davis; Maj. Charles M. Dickens;
James O. Emerson; Drake A. Ferguson; Capt.
Michael P. Fitzgibbons; Melvin L. Fleming;
Charles H. Foelber; Cpl. Brian Ford; Maj. Robert
D. Fuller; John M. Gattus, Jr.; Richard E.
Govignon; Ron W. Haley; Capt. Richard E. Hall;
Capt. Robert I. Hart; Lt. Roy T. Hart, Jr.; David
B. Hartman; Steven J. Hess; James D. Holmes;
Ruth L. Holt; John H. Hunt, Jr.; Susan M. Kaskie;
Capt. Robert D. Kirk; Ned S. Kodeck; Cobey R.
Kuff; Angus B. MacLean; Michael C. Maloney,
Esq.; C. E. Martin; David E. McCamley; Lt.
Michael K. McCleese; Capt. Forrest E. Meeks;
William J. Meredith; Martin I. Moylan, Esq.;
Margaret Moore; Francis J. Napfel III; Col. Arthur
Nattans; Richard R. Onken; Robert G. Pepersack,
Sr.; Thomas P. Raimondi, Esq.; L. John Raymond;
Stewart Lee Richardson, Jr., Ph.D.; Carroll C.
Robertson; Kenneth D. Robinson; Richard J.
Rosenblatt; Andrew J. Sekelsky; Scott A. Sewell;
Stuart O. Simms, Esq.; Merrill I. Skolnik; Jeremiah
J. Smith; David Solomon; Lt. Col. William W.
Sondervan; Vernon Stonesifer; Jack J. Sullivan;
Ronald E. Trump; Lt. Col. Thomas R. Turner, Sr.;
Cpl. Mark Tyler; Michael W. Vision; Walter J.
Washel, Jr.; Nathaniel Wood; Joyce L. Wright,
Esq.; Capt. James W. Yeasted; William F. Zorsi, Sr.
Ex officio: Frederick G. Schmuff III, designee of
Secretary of Juvenile Services; Maj. W. Ray Presley,
designee of Secretary of Public Safety &
Correctional Services; Frank Babusci, designee of
Secretary of Transportation.
301 West Preston St., Suite 1513
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 225-4094
The Governor's Commission on Vehicle Theft and
Related Crimes was started by the Governor in Octo-
ber 1992 (Executive Order 01.01.1992.22). To de-
velop proposals for preventing car theft and related
crimes, the Commission studied safety measures for
parking lots, garages, shopping malls, and other public
areas; examined efforts of other states to deter these
crimes; and evaluated law enforcement of the juvenile
justice system. The Commission conducted research
and made recommendations on the effectiveness and
safety of commercially produced anti-theft devices,
including those on new vehicles; and insurance incen-
tives to encourage the use of anti-theft devices. In
addition, the Commission recommended ways to stop
the theft of watercraft, and farm and construction
The Commission submitted a progress report May
1,1993, and a second report in December 1993.