Maryland Manual 1994-1995
Tyler J. Bastian, Ph.D.; Everett C. Carter, Ph.D.;
Rita R. Colwell, Ph.D.; W. Lamar Harris, Ph.D.;
Alexander Kossiakoff, Ph.D.; Harold D. Palmer,
Ph.D.; William C. Vergara, Ph.D.; John D. Walker.
Ph.D. Terms expire 1994.
Edward J. Cook, D.E.; Dr. John J. Daly; Christine U.
Eccles, Ph.D.; George W. Fisher, Ph.D.; John G. Honig,
Ph.D.; Harry Kriemelmeyer Jr.; Jack R. Lodge; Samuel
P. Massie, Ph.D.; Frank J. Munno, Ph.D.; M. Garry
Schnappinger, Ph.D. Terms expire 1995.
E. Lander Medlin, Executive Director
PO. Box 294
College Park, MD 20740 (301) 405-3205
The Governor's Science Advisory Council origi-
nated as the Governor's Science Resources Advi-
sory Council in 1963. By Executive Order, the
Governor reorganized the Council in 1970 as the
Governor's Science Advisory Council.
The Council provides the Governor with objective
scientific and technological advice. The Council iden-
tifies potential problems in all fields to which scientific
approaches can be applied, formulates recommenda-
tions to alleviate these problems, and defines problem
areas for which committees could find solutions or
recommendations for action. The Council also defines
scientific areas needing additional research or data
analysis, reviews available resources to perform such
analysis, and recommends the approach to be used.
The Council further works to improve scientific edu-
cation and identifies areas for graduate studies that will
be of value to the State.
At the Governor's request or with the Governor's
approval, the Council provides scientific and techno-
logical advice to the principal executive departments
of State government. It also serves as a liaison with
scientists of other states or agencies in coordinating
approaches to common scientific problems.
Appointed by the Governor, Council members
serve three-year terms.
Paul A. Hanle, Ph.D., Co-Chairperson
Michael M. E. Johns, M.D., Co-Chairperson
Appointed by Governor (who names co-chairs):
Marcellus Alexander; Norman Augustine; Purnell
W. Choppin, M.D., Ph.D.; Frederick D. D'Alessio;
Roger A. Dandridge; Charles M. Ernst; Sandra S.
Hillman; Raymond K. K. Ho; William L. Jews;
Joseph Kelly; Glenn Kikuchi; Richard A. Linder;
Shirley M. Malcolm; W. Paul Martin; George V.
McGowan; R. Scott Pfeifer; Judith S. Sachwald; R.
Edward Shilling; Solomon H. Snyder, Ph.D.;
Crystal Watkins; Donald E. Wilson, M.D.; four
vacancies. Terms expire 1995.
Executive Commissions/591
Ex officio: Mark L. Wasserman, Secretary of
Economic & Employment Development;
Jacqueline H. Rogers, Secretary of Housing &
Community Development; Nancy S. Grasmick,
Ph.D., State Superintendent of Schools.
c/o Maryland Science Center
601 Light St.
Baltimore, MD 21230 (410) 685-2370, ext. 416
The Maryland Science Week Commission was
created by the Governor in February 1992 (Execu-
tive Order 01.01.1992.04). The Commission or-
ganizes and oversees a week-long series of events by
which Maryland annually observes Maryland Sci-
ence Week. The Week coincides with National Sci-
ence and Technology Week, designated by the
National Science Foundation.
Held in April, Maryland Science Week draws
attention to the importance of science and technol-
ogy and fosters an appreciation of them. Events of
the Week also are designed to inspire students to
pursue careers in science and technology.
The Commission consists of thirty members ap-
pointed to three-year terms by the Governor.
Vacancy, Chairperson
Appointed by Governor: Donald I. Dell; Dallas R.
Evans; Sally J. Michel; Chrisopher S. Servello;
Mark K. Shriver; Shari Taylor Wilson; Jennifer
Wittman. Terms expire 1995.
Philip L. Collyer; Joan Green Davis; Richard E.
Espinosa; Kathy Levin; Pamela J. Nelson; Hazel L.
Ricker; Andrea M. Vernot. Terms expire 1996.
Douglas Becker; Rhoda M. Dorsey, Ph.D.; Marion
W. Pines; William D. Quarles, Esq.; Jan C. Rivitz;
Donna J. Stanley. Terms expire 1997.
Ex officio: Carolyn W. Colvin, Secretary of Human
Resources; Mary Ann Saar, Secretary of Juvenile
Services; Tony C. Brown, M.D., Secretary of Natural
Resources; Nancy S. Grasmick, Ph.D., State
Superintendent of Schools; Shaila R. Aery, Ed.D.,
Secretary of Higher Education; David A. Minges,
Director, Office on Volunteerism; Eleanor Falk
Young, Director, Volunteer Maryland; Jonathan
Underwood, Director, Maryland Conservation
Corps; Margaret A. O'Neill, Director, Maryland
Student Service Alliance; Jerry E. Yates, Director,
Maryland-Delaware Action Agency.
Marilyn W. Smith, Ph.D., Executive Director
c/o Office on Volunteerism
301 West Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 225-4496