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Maryland Manual, 1994-95
Volume 186, Page 590   View pdf image
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590 /Executive Commissions


Amy E. Brown, Ph.D.. Chairperson, 1996

Appointed by Governor (who names chair): F. Michael
Heller, 1994; M. Garry Schnappinger, Ph.D., 1994; T.
Marks Fuchs, 1995; Julia W. Gouge, 1995; Craig J.
Strobel, 1995; Max Eisenberg, Ph.D., 1996; Raymond
L. Fritz, 1996; Michael J. Pelczar, Jr., Ph.D., 1996.

Legislative members appointed by Governor: J. Lowell
Stoltzfus, Senate; Samuel Q. Johnson III, House of

Ex officio: vacancy, Secretary of Agriculture; David
A. C. Carroll, Secretary of the Environment;
Nelson J. Sabatini, Secretary of Health & Mental
Hygiene; Torrey C. Brown, M.D., Secretary of
Natural Resources.

Staff: Mary Ellen Setting

c/o Pesticide Regulation Section
Dept. of Agriculture
50 Harry S Truman Parkway
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410) 841-5710

Annual Report to Governor.

In response to concern about the use of pesti-
cides in the State and their potentially damaging
effects on people, wildlife, and the Chesapeake Bay
watershed, the Governor established the Gover-
nor's Pesticide Council in January 1990 (Executive
Order 01.01.1990.02).The Commission reviews
pesticide management programs and recommends
actions to safeguard the health of citizens and the
environment. The Commission considers pesticide
manufacture, transport, storage, use, and disposal.
The Toxics Management Strategy of the
Chesapeake Bay Agreement also is evaluated by the


Dr. Scott Bennett, Chairperson

Georgia Adler; William J. Amos; Dr. H. Joanne
Harrar; Alice Merrill; Edward C. Papenfuse,
Ph.D.; John Sondheim; Maurice Travillian; John

c/o Milton S. Eisenhower Library
The Johns Hopkins University
3400 North Charles St.
Baltimore, MD 21218 (410) 516-8328

The Task Force to Initiate Preservation Planning
in Maryland was formed in 1991. The Task Force is
concerned with preserving the textual material
housed in Maryland's libraries, archives, historical
societies, and museums. Acting upon recommenda-

Maryland Manual 1994-1995

tions of the 1990 Governor's Conference on Li-
braries and Information Services, the Task Force
applied for and received a grant from the National
Endowment for the Humanities to study and devise
a plan to coordinate preservation efforts statewide.
In 1994, the Task Force will issue an action plan
that outlines a program, coordinated through the
State Archives, of conservation services, informa-
tion dissemination, and basic training in preserva-
tion methods. The goal of the program is to provide
low-cost preservation assistance to institutions
across the State. The staff at the State Archives will
work with preservation specialists in Maryland to
insure that the State's record heritage is preserved
for future generations.


Mark L. Joseph, Chairperson

Appointed by Governor (who names chair): Mary J.
Cochran; Patrida S. Florestano, Ph.D.; Melvin L. Kelly;
James B. Sellinger; John A. Svahn; William J. Weder II.

Deborah A. Photiadis, Executive Director

c/o Division of Privatization
Dept. of Budget & Fiscal Planning
45 Calvert St.
Annapolis, MD 21401—1907 (410) 974-5028

Annual Report to Governor due Dec. 15.

The Governor's Advisory Council on Privatization
in State Government was created by the Governor in
February 1993 (Executive Order 01.01.1993.03).
Privatization is the assignment of certain public gov-
ernment functions to the private sector.
The Council advises and assists the Governor by
evaluating unsolicited privatization proposals; pro-
viding information on privatization issues and assis-
tance on procedures and implementation; and
ensuring fair, comprehensive and objective evalu-
ations. The Council may ask State agencies to report
on the status of privatization or to evaluate specific
opportunities for privatization.


Elizabeth Ingram Bauereis, Ph.D., Chairperson, 1993

Appointed by Governor: Joseph E. Clark, Ph.D.;
Loren Duane Jensen, Ph.D.; Mitchell A. Kapland;
William E. Kirwan, Ph.D.; Brig. Gen. Robert S.
McGarry; Michael J. Pelczar, Jr., Ph.D.; Gerard H.
Schlimm, Ph.D.; Jack E. Snell, Ph.D.; Julius H.
Taylor, Ph.D. Terms expire 1993.


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Maryland Manual, 1994-95
Volume 186, Page 590   View pdf image
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