588 /Executive Commissions
Chairperson: Melvin A. Steinberg, Lieutenant Governor
Appointed by Governor: William H. Amoss; Charles
L. Benton, Jr.; James P. G. Flynn, M.D.; Charles
E. Hutchins; Timothy F. Maloney; Thomas A.
Mattingly; Ameen I. Ramzy, M.D.; Elmer H.
Contact: Marsha L. Burden
c/o Office of the Lieutenant Governor
State House
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410) 974-2804
At the request of the General Assembly, the
Governor reconstituted the Maryland Med-Evac
Helicopter Advisory Committee (1977-83) as the
Maryland Executive Helicopter Advisory Commit-
tee in August 1987 (Joint Resolution no. 20, Acts
of 1987). The Maryland Executive Helicopter Ad-
visory Committee provides oversight and policy
guidelines to the Maryland Institute for Emergency
Medical Services System regarding the State Med-
Evac Program.
Gilbert Gude, Chairperson
Appointed by Governor. Cornelius P. Darcy, Ph.D.;
Joseph T. Durham, Ed.D.; Sandy F. Eisenberg;
Marshall A. Elkins, Esq.; Robert B. Kershaw, Esq.;
H. Margret Zassenhaus, M.D.
Appointed by Board of Directors: Taunya Lovell
Banks, J.D.; Raymond V. (Buzz) Bartlett; Lowell
R. Bowen, J.D.; George H. Callcott, Ph.D.; Reese
Cleghorn; Gwendolyn E. Freeman; Sr. Virginia
Geiger, Ph.D.; Catherine R. Gira, Ph.D.; Andrea
Hammer, Ph.D.; Sharon Harley, Ph.D.; Jack R.
Harris, Ph.D.; Stephen J. Herman. Ph.D.; Paula J.
Johnson; Steven C. Newsome; Kenneth G.
Rodgers; Barbara B. Roque, J.D.; Ruthe T.
Steffey, Ph.D; Michael B. Styer.
Barbara Wells Sarudy, Executive Director
601 North Howard St.
Baltimore, MD 21201-4585 (410) 625-4830
The Maryland Humanities Council was formed
in 1970 in response to the federal law creating the
National Endowment for the Humanities (P.L. 94-
462). It is a private, nonprofit Maryland corpora-
tion funded by the federal government,
foundations, corporations, and individuals, and by
a grant from the Division of Historical and Cultural
Programs of the Maryland Department of Housing
and Community Development. The Governor
appoints four to six of its twenty-one to twenty-six
Maryland Manual 1994-1995
volunteer members. The Council reports regularly
to the Governor.
The Council awards grants for humanities
projects for the public to promote under-
standing and appreciation of the humanities in
Maryland. The humanities include such sub-
jects as history, languages, literature, jurispru-
dence, ethics, philosophy, archaeology,
linguistics, comparative religion, cultural an-
thropology, history and criticism of the arts,
and aspects of the social and natural sciences
that use historical or philosophical approaches.
The humanities are concerned chiefly with
ideas, the meanings of languages, and values.
These bodies of knowledge differ from quanti-
tative or value-free aspects of the social and
natural sciences and the creation or perform-
ance of the fine arts.
Six times a year, the Council publishes a magazine,
Maryland Humanities, available free upon request.
Chairperson: Tyras S. Athey, Secretary of State
Appointed by Governor: Curtis S. Anderson; Brig. Gen.
Edmund G. Beacham (Ret.); Thomas E. Bratten, Jr.;
Brig. Gen. Bernard Feingold (Ret.); Col. Howard S.
Freedlander; Maj. Gen. James F. Fretterd; Nancy N.
Kurtz; George H. Littrell; Barrett L. McKown;
Marian L. Patterson; Calvin E. Patton; Orlando
Ridout V; Thomas J. Rostkowski; Ida G. Ruben;
Richard J. Santos; Brig. Gen. Philip Sherman (Ret.);
Col. Ernest M. Snyder (Ret.); John C. Sprague;
Gregory A. Stiverson, Ph.D.; Col. J. Edward Weaver.
c/o Office of Secretary of State
State House
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410) 974-5539
In January 1989, the Governor's Commission
on Maryland Military Monuments was established
by the Governor (Executive Order
01.01.1989.02). The Commission is conducting an
inventory of Maryland military monuments. Each
monument is identified by name, date of construc-
tion, location, and original sponsorship. Current
ownership of both the monument and its site is
noted with a complete description, including con-
struction materials, condition, theme, and inscrip-
tions, if any, and who is responsible for
The Commission determines the cost to re-
store each monument in need of repair and se-
cures funds for its restoration. In addition, the
Commission assigns responsibility for the main-
tenance of each monument and prepares educa-
tional and tourism materials for public