Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr., Senate President
Casper R. Taylor, Jr., House Speaker
Staff: Michael I. Volk
90 State Circle
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410) 841-3848
Report to General Assembly on bills, resolutions, &
recommendations intended for submission at next
Report to General Assembly updating matters before
Committee due periodically.
The Legislative Policy Committee originated in
1939 as the Legislative Council (Chapter 62, Acts
of 1939). The Council was reorganized under its
current name in 1976 (Chapter 362, Acts of 1976).
The Legislative Policy Committee coordinates
and supervises the work of the standing committees
of the General Assembly. The Committee studies
the rules and procedures of the Senate and House
of Delegates, and appoints special committees and
subcommittees to study legislative matters. During
the interim between sessions of the General Assem-
bly, the Committee refers any recommended subject
matter it receives to interim committees, holds hear-
ings on any subject matter, and subpoenas witnesses
and records as required. The Committee may pre-
pare its own legislative recommendations and may
endorse a legislative program in the form of bills,
resolutions, or other proposals to be submitted to
the General Assembly.
The Committee consists of twenty-six members,
thirteen from the Senate and thirteen from the House
of Delegates. The Senate is represented by the Senate
President; President Pro Tem; Majority Leader; Mi-
nority Leader; and the chairpersons of the standing
committees on Budget and Taxation, Economic and
Environmental Affairs, Finance, and Judicial Proceed-
ings. The Senate President appoints five additional
senators to represent the various areas and interests of
the State. The House of Delegates is represented by
the House Speaker; Speaker Pro Tem; Majority
Leader; Minority Leader; and the chairpersons of the
standing committees on Appropriations, Com-
merce and Government Matters, Economic Mat-
ters, Environmental Matters, Judiciary, and Ways
and Means. The House Speaker appoints four ad-
ditional delegates to represent the various areas and
interests of the State. The Senate President and
House Speaker serve as co-chairpersons (Code
State Government Article, secs. 2-401 through 2-
Paula C. Hollinger, Senate Chairperson
John Adams Hurson, House Chairperson
Staff: Margaret G. McHale; Jeremy McCoy
(410) 841-3870
Annual Report to Legislative Policy Committee &
General Assembly.
The Joint Committee on Administrative, Execu-
tive and Legislative Review (AELR) was formed in
1964 as the Committee on Legislative Review
(Chapter 96, Acts of 1964). It was renamed the
Committee on Administrative, Executive and Leg-
islative Review in 1972 (Chapters 400, 699, Acts
of 1972).
The Committee reviews State agency regula-
tions with regard to the legislative prerogative and
procedural due process. The Committee also may
inquire into any failure of a State government officer
or employee to comply with Maryland statutory or
constitutional law. Further, the Committee sits as a
legislative advisory board for the Code of Maryland
Regulations (COMAR).
The Committee receives copies of all regulations
of each State agency. Unless submitted to the Com-
mittee, certain regulations or standards may be
invalid (Code State Government Article, secs. 10-
101 through 10-139).
The Committee is required to receive emergency
energy executive orders promulgated by the Governor
(Chapter 1, Acts of 2nd Special Session of 1973). This
legislative authority has been updated annually.