The Board consists of nine members appointed
to four-year terms by the Governor with Senate
advice and consent. The Superintendent of the
Maryland State Police serves as chairperson (Code
1957, Art. 27, secs. 36F, 36I, 36J).
Charles F. Wellford, Ph.D., Chairperson
Contact: Thomas H. Williams (410) 764-4010
In 1993, Maryland was selected by the Bureau of
Justice Assistance of the U.S. Department of Justice as
one of four sites for the pilot project, Correctional Op-
tions: Part I. The project will develop and implement
initiatives to manage low-risk offenders. To assist the
project, the Correctional Options Advisory Board was
formed by the Secretary of Public Safety and Correctional
Services in 1993. The Board advises the Secretary on
intermediate sanctions for violators of parole.
Paul E. Leuba, Director
(410) 764-4200
The Division of Data Services was created in
1970. The Division is responsible for the Criminal
Justice Information System, the Criminal Justice
Information System Central Repository, Manage-
ment Information Systems, and the Data Center.
Earl L. Gillespie, Director
(410) 764-5665
The Criminal Justice Information System was
formed in 1976 (Chapter 239, Acts of 1976). It
develops and manages statewide information systems
for the Maryland criminal justice community, includ-
ing the courts; local, State and federal law enforce-
ment personnel; local detention centers; State
prisons; State's attorneys; and parole and probation
officers. The System also is responsible for system
administration, network administration, data security,
system documentation, and user framing. In addition,
the System administers the Maryland Automated Fin-
gerprint Identification System (MAFIS).
Averaging 15 million transactions per month,
the System network is composed of over 9,500
individual users, 173 user agencies, 2,000 termi-
nals, and 18 computer interfaces.
William H. Niemeyer III, Director
(410) 764-4501
The Criminal Justice Information System Central
Repository originated as the Criminal Records Cen-
tral Repository in 1977. The Repository received its
present name in 1989. It collects, stores, and dissemi-
nates criminal history record information. The Re-
pository is the only source that disseminates convic-
tion criminal history record information to the
noncriminal justice community.
The Repository has primary responsibility for
identification of persons through fingerprints. Law
enforcement, regulatory agencies, and private em-
ployers submit both criminal and noncriminal fin-
gerprint cards, which the Repository classifies and
manually searches and/or verifies against previously
submitted fingerprints maintained within a master
file of over 1.4 million fingerprint cards.
Clifford P. Layman, Director
(410) 764-4208
Management Information Systems was organ-
ized in Fiscal Year 1987 to provide information
processing services throughout the Department.
The Systems designs, implements, and maintains all
information systems used by the Department, the
criminal justice community, and noncriminal justice
community. It provides systems administration sup-
port, computer programming services, and user
training to Department staff'.
Vacancy, Director
(410) 653-4520
The Department administers the Data Center
for public safety, law enforcement and correctional
agencies within the State. Created in 1970, the
Center provides data processing services to the
Maryland State Police, the Division of Correction,
the Division of Parole and Probation, Patuxent In-
stitution, the State Fire Marshal, and several federal
and local criminal justice agencies. The Center pro-
vides computer terminal and computer-to-com-
puter data transmission between these agencies and
the Motor Vehicle Administration, the Federal Bu-
reau of Investigation, and the National Law En-
forcement Telecommunications System.
Henry R. Lesansky, Ph.D., Inspector General
6776 Reisterstown Road, Suite 314
Baltimore, MD 21215—2341 (410) 764-4029
The Office of Inspector General originated as
the Division of Audits and Compliance created in
May 1987 as an independent unit within the Office
of the Secretary. The Division was established by the
Secretary in compliance with the Standards for the
Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (SPPIA),
which require every internal audit unit to have a
written charter (Code 1957, Art. 41, sec. 4-104).
The Division was reorganized in 1993 as the Office