Maryland Manual 1994-1995
The State Athletic Commission was established in
1920 (Chapter 710, Acts of 1920). The Commission
supervises all professional kick boxing, boxing, spar-
ring and wrestling matches and exhibitions held in
Maryland. It enacts and enforces rules to govern such
bouts. It licenses all corporations, associations, or
persons sponsoring such bouts, and all referees, man-
agers, seconds, and participants. The Commission
collects from all sponsors of boxing and wrestling
matches a fee equal to ten percent of the gross gate
receipts and also ten percent of the sale of radio,
television or motion picture rights to boxing and
wrestling events. The fees are deposited as State gen-
eral funds with the Comptroller of the Treasury.
The Commission's five members are appointed to
six-year terms by the Governor with the advice of the
Secretary of Licensing and Regulation. Authorization for
the Commission continues until July 1, 2001 (Code
Business Regulation Article, secs. 4-201through 4-208).
John O. Gatton, Sr., President, 1994
Kathleen A. Harryman, Administrator
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202 (410) 333-6320
The State Board of Barbers began in 1904 as the
Board of Barber Examiners (Chapter 226, Acts of
1904). The Board received its present name in 1989
(Chapter 3, Acts of 1989).The Board examines and
registers all applicants for barber licenses in the State.
With the approval of the Secretary of Licensing and
Regulation, the Board may appoint subboards to
assist in inspection and licensing. The Board also has
the power to make rules and regulations.
The Board consists of seven members appointed
to five-year terms by the Governor with the advice of
the Secretary of Licensing and Regulation. Five mem-
bers must have been barbers for the last five years prior
to appointment. Two members represent the public.
The Governor designates the president, secretary, and
treasurer. Authorization for the Board continues until
July 1,1996 (Code Business Occupations and Profes-
sions Article, secs. 4-101 through 4-701).
Robert E. Herlth, Chairperson, 1994
Kathleen A. Harryman, Administrator
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202 (410) 333-6320
The State Board of Cosmetologists originated as
the Board of Hairdressers and Beauty Culturists in
1935 (Chapter 282, Acts of 1935).The Board received
its present name in 1961 (Chapter 278, Acts of 1961).
The Board examines, licenses, and regulates all persons
engaged in the operation and practice of beauty culture
within the State. The Board conducts examinations
throughout the State at least four times a month.
Department of Licensing & Regulation /395
The Board is composed of five members ap-
pointed to three-year terms by the Governor with
the advice of the Secretary of Licensing and Regu-
lation. Three members must have had at least five
years practical experience in hairdressing or beauty
culture. They may not be affiliated with any firm
manufacturing or selling any merchandise or com-
modity used in beauty salons, nor be directly or
indirectly connected with any school of beauty cul-
ture. No two members may serve at the same time
who are graduates of the same school of beauty
culture. Authorization for the Board continues un-
til July 1, 1996 (Code Business Occupations and
Professions Article, secs. 5-101 through 5-702).
Vacancy, Chairperson
Charles P. Kazlo, Executive Director
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202 (410) 333-6322
The State Board of Master Electricians was cre-
ated as the Maryland Statewide Electrical Licensing
Board in 1984 (Chapter 731, Acts of 1984). The
Board received its present name in 1988 (Chapter
648, Acts of 1988). The Board examines and li-
censes master electricians desiring to work on a
statewide or multi-county basis.
Previously, a Board of Electrical Examiners and
Supervisors, created in 1906, was incorporated into
the Department of Licensing and Regulation in 1970,
but its scope was limited to Baltimore City (Chapter
244, Acts of 1906; Chapter 402, Acts of 1970).
With Senate advice and consent, the Governor
appoints the Board's nine members. Six are master
electricians and three represent consumers. Members
serve three-year terms (Code Business Occupations
and Professions Article, secs. 6-101 through 6-702).
Lawrence L. Vallario, Chairperson, 1996
Charles P. Kazlo, Executive Director
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202 (410) 333-6322
The Board of Examining Engineers dates to 1892
(Chapter 448, Acts of 1892). The Board examines
applicants for certificates of proficiency to operate station-
ary or portable engines in Baltimore City. Certificates
must be renewed biennially. The Board also may inspect
industries and places of business where licensed engineers
are employed to ensure compliance with the law.
The Governor appoints the Board's five members
with the advice of the Secretary of Licensing and
Regulation. Three members must be engineers with
at least ten years of practical experience operating
steam engines, boilers, and stationary or portable
engines. Members serve three-year terms (Public Lo-
cal Laws of Baltimore City, 1969, Art. 4, secs. 1-6).