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Maryland Manual, 1994-95
Volume 186, Page 367   View pdf image
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Maryland Manual 1994-1995

cies. Renamed Office of Program Management, it
assumed responsibility for local agency compliance
reviews, technical assistance to local agencies, and
special projects in 1990. The Office was reorganized
in 1991 as the Office of Program Development and
Management to develop program initiatives and
implement staff development and training. Further
reorganization in 1992 created the Office of Service
Delivery. The Office monitors local agency compli-
ance with federal and State mandates, provides
technical assistance to correct problems in local
agencies, and helps local agencies implement poli-
cies and procedures.

Brian D. Shea, Administrator
(410) 767-7601

The Office of Program Initiatives was created in
1992 to assume duties formerly administered by the
Office of Program Development and Management,
and the Office of Policy and Central Operations.
The Office of Program Initiatives develops child
support enforcement policy, legislation, and regula-
tions; plans program initiatives; interprets policy
and conducts training on new policy and proce-
dures; and coordinates its work with the Office of
Policy and Legislation under the Secretary of Hu-
man Resources.


Barbara Smith-Hamer, Executive Director
Patricia A. Jennings, Deputy Director

2701 North Charles St.
Baltimore, MD 21218 (410) 767-7131

In 1988, the General Assembly authorized the
Secretary of Human Resources to adopt rules and
regulations for the licensing and operation of child care
centers (Chapter 247, Acts of 1988). This mandate
requires child care centers to provide children with safe
and sanitary conditions; proper care, protection, and
supervision; and to promote good health, and sound
growth and development in a homelike environment.
The Child Care Administration originated as the
Office of Child Care Licensing and Regulation es-
tablished as part of the Department of Human
Resources in 1988 (Chapter 247, Acts of 1988). In
December 1990, the Office merged with the Child
Care Unit of the Social Services Administration to
form the Child Care Administration.
The Administration regulates and licenses child
care centers, family day care homes, certified child
care providers, and nonpublic nursery schools. It
also administers the State's child care subsidy pay-
ment program for eligible families (Purchase of
Care), as well as the Child Care and Development
Block Grant and federal Dependent Care Block

Department of Human Resources /367

Grant Programs. The Administration may suspend,
revoke, or deny licenses to child care facilities. To
increase the number of child care facilities in Mary-
land, the Administration works with consumers and
advocacy groups (Code Family Law Article, secs.
5-570 through 5-589).

Dale Jackson, Chairperson
(410) 767-7131

Formed in 1991, the Child Care Administration
Advisory Council serves as an advisory body to the
Child Care Administration on child care regula-
tions, issues and problems, and interagency priori-
ties (Chapter 394, Acts of 1991).
The Council is composed of from twenty-one to
twenty-five members. These include a member of the
Senate appointed by the Senate President and a mem-
ber of the House of Delegates appointed by the
House Speaker. All other members are appointed by
the Secretary of Human Resources (Code Family Law
Article, secs. 5-590 through 5-593).


Lois Y. Whitaker, Deputy Secretary for Operations

311 West Saratoga St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 767-7107

The Deputy Secretary for Operations is respon-
sible for the major administrative and support func-
tions of the Department. Under the Deputy
Secretary are five offices: Budget and Finance; Ad-
ministrative Services; Information Management;
Personnel; and Equal Opportunity.

Ted Martin, Acting Chief Financial Officer
(410) 767-7504

Raymond Lofton, Director
(410) 767-7699

David Truax, Director
Kathy L. Hayes, Deputy Director
(410) 767-7462

Robert R. Hagans, Director
(410) 767-7322

Bruce Moore
(410) 767-7458


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Maryland Manual, 1994-95
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