publications include Maryland Travel and Outdoor
Guide, Maryland Calendar of Events, and an official
Maryland State highway map. They are available
free upon request.
In addition to conveying information by mail
and phone, the Office runs a visitors' center and
guide service at the Maryland State House in An-
napolis, and nine highway information centers. The
Office's matching funds and cooperative marketing
programs strengthen and support county and re-
gional travel promotion councils as well.
The Office also works with travel and outdoor
writers to provide tours of Maryland, research and
information, and photographs and transparencies.
George E. Williams, Executive Director
(410) 333-6611
The Maryland Tourism Development Board was
formed in 1993 (Chapter 625, Acts of 1993). The
Board guides, stimulates, and promotes travel and
tourism in Maryland. Subject to the approval of the
Secretary of Economic and Employment Develop-
ment, the Board is to formulate a 5-year strategic
plan, an annual marketing plan, and an annual
operating budget to promote and develop tourism.
The Board protects, preserves, promotes, and
restores the natural, historical, scenic and cultural
resources of Maryland; encourages the develop-
ment of new tourism resources, products, busi-
nesses, and attractions in the State; and helps
tourists travel through Maryland by ensuring the
provision of signs, information aids, and other serv-
ices. The Board reviews taxes, fees, licenses, regula-
tions, and regulatory procedures that affect tourism
and evaluates their impact on the ability of the
tourism industry to create jobs and generate in-
come. The Maryland Tourism Development Board
Fund may be used by the Board to plan, advertise,
promote, assist, and develop tourism and travel
industries in the State.
Fifteen members constitute the Board. Eleven
are appointed by the Governor with the advice of
the Secretary of Economic and Employment Devel-
opment and Senate advice and consent. Two are
appointed by the Senate President and two by the
House Speaker (Code 1957, Art. 83A, secs. 4-1A-
01 through 4-1A-09).
Created in 1993, the Committee's forty mem-
bers are appointed by the Governor with the advice
of the Secretary of Economic and Employment
Development and the Maryland Tourism Develop-
ment Board (Chapter 625, Acts of 1993).
Charlotte Adler, Chairperson, 1996
James Backas, Executive Director
Charles Camp, State Folklorist
601 North Howard St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 333-8232
The Maryland State Arts Council originated as the
Governor's Council on the Arts in Maryland, estab-
lished by Executive Order in 1966. The Maryland
State Arts Council was created by statute in 1967
(Chapter 644, Acts of 1967). Formerly under the
Department of Economic and Community Develop-
ment, the Council became part of the Department of
Economic and Employment Development in 1987
(Chapter 311, Acts of 1987).
The Council assists artists and arts organizations
throughout the State and designs new or expanded
arts programs. Arts include but are not limited to
dance, drama, music drama, architecture, painting,
sculpture, graphics, crafts, photography, design,
film, television and creative writing (Code 1957,
Art. 83A, sec. 6-508). The Council makes grants to
individual artists, arts organizations, and county
arts councils. It also conducts programs of its own:
Fine Arts in Public Places Program, Artists in Edu-
cation Program, Arts Facility Assistance Program,
and State Folklife Program. Annually, the Council
receives a grant from the National Endowment for
the Arts for program support.
The Council has seventeen members. Thirteen
are appointed to three-year terms by the Governor
in consultation with the Secretary of Economic and
Employment Development. Two members (one a
member of the State Senate) are appointed by the
Senate President. Two members (one a member of
the House of Delegates) are appointed by the
House Speaker. Council members are chosen be-
cause of their participation in civic, educational, and
professional organizations concerned with or en-
gaged in the production of the performing, visual
or creative arts. Members also must represent all
geographic sections of the State (Code 1957, Art.
83A, secs. 6-501 through 6-509).
Charles W. Fox III, Director
(410) 333-6633
The Motion Picture and Television Develop-
ment Office, known as the Maryland Film Commis-
sion, was created in 1980 (Chapter 5, Acts of
1980). It became part of the Department of Eco-
nomic and Employment Development in 1987
(Chapter 311, Acts of 1987). In 1992, the Office
was placed under the Maryland State Arts Council.