150/Constitutional Offices & Agencies
In accordance with the Infant Mortality Preven-
tion Strategic Plan, the Commission advises the
Governor on distribution of community incentive
grants to prevent infant mortality These grants
come from funds provided in the State budget for
this purpose.
The Commission's twenty members are ap-
pointed by the Governor. Four serve ex officio. One
member is a senator nominated by the Senate Presi-
dent; one is a delegate nominated by the House
Speaker; one represents the Maryland Medical As-
sistance Program (Medicaid); and one represents
the State Department of Education. The remaining
members serve three-year terms (Code 1957, Art.
49D, secs. 30-36).
Under the federal Education of the Handi-
capped Act (P.L. 99-457), Maryland receives fed-
eral funds to provide early intervention services
statewide for infants and toddlers with develop-
mental disabilities (from birth through age 3) and
their families. Services include health and medical
services, family training, counseling, and specialized
child care.
In 1988, the State Department of Education
was designated by the Governor to administer the
federal early intervention program in Maryland
(Executive Order 01.01.1988.15). The Maryland
Infants and Toddlers Program initiated by the State
Department of Education was transferred to the
Office for Children, Youth, and Families in 1990
(Chapter 419, Acts of 1990).
Michael Bender, Ph.D., Co-Chairperson, 1996
Katharine Kahoe Cooper, Co-Chairperson, 1995
(410) 333-8100
In 1988, the Governor established the Maryland
State Interagency Coordinating Council to advise the
Maryland Infants and Toddlers Program in accordance
with amendments to the federal Education of the
Handicapped Act (P.L. 99-457; Executive Order
01.01.1988.15). In 1990, the Council was authorized
by statute (Chapter 419, Acts of 1990).
The Council helps develop and implement the
early intervention program and assists with inter -
agency agreements and the identification of re-
sources. The Council also serves as an advisory
board for the program. To ensure interagency coor-
dination and delivery of early intervention services,
the Governor's Subcabinet for Children, Youth,
and Families monitors the program.
The Council's fifteen members are appointed by
the Governor with Senate advice and consent.
(410) 333-8100
Maryland Manual 1994-1995
Created in 1993, the Head Start Collaboration
Network helps coordinate the services of the Head
Start Program with those of other community serv-
ices to better serve families in Head Start programs.
The Network links Head Start services with those
of health care providers, education agencies, child
care programs, employment projects, and commu-
nity organizations.
(410) 333-8100
The Office of Child Care Coordination was formed
in 1993. The Office coordinates policy, planning, and
development for child care programs among State
government agendes and with local planners, child
care coordinators and advocates, and users of child
care. The Office promotes and markets public/private
partnerships for technical assistance and support in
child care for employees, employers, and families.
(410) 333-8100
Funded through the Ford Foundation, the Fam-
ily Development Communities Project started in
1993. The Project works to enable communities to
enhance local resources and support systems for
families with young children. Communities are en-
couraged to create a network of resources with
which to begin educating young children before
they enter school.
Quentin R. Lawson, Chairperson, 1995
Ann Mulligan, Executive Director
One Market Center
300 W. Lexington St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 333-0270
The Governor's Council on Adolescent Pregnancy
was established in 1986 (Chapter 121, Acts of 1986).
The Council had been an independent agency located
in the Department of Human Resources for budget-
ary and administrative purposes only. In 1990, the
Council was transferred to the Office for Children,
Youth, and Families (Chapter 419, Acts of 1990).
The Council works to reduce unplanned adoles-
cent pregnancies in Maryland. To ensure a coordi-
nated and comprehensive approach to social,
educational, economic, health and legal problems
of adolescent pregnancy and parenthood, the
Council develops a statewide plan for reducing
adolescent pregnancy and improving services to
at-risk pregnant and parenting teenagers. The
Council promotes interdepartmental, public and
private coordination of policies and programs.