Maryland Manual 1994-1995
The State's cultural institutions include more than
150 privately incorporated arts organizations and
45 university, college and governmental presenters
of annual arts events.
Maryland is home to important museums, includ-
ing the Walters Art Gallery, the Baltimore Museum
of Art, and the Ward Museum of Wildfowl Art in
Salisbury. These and 30 other art museums and
galleries attracted more than three million visitors
in 1992. The State has 12 regional interdisciplinary
arts institutions, including Easton's Academy of the
Arts, the Strathmore Hall Arts Center in Rockville,
Frostburg State University's new Performing Arts
Center, and Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts in
Annapolis. Historically a center for the performing
arts, Baltimore is the site for the Baltimore Sym-
phony, Center Stage, the Arena Players and the
Baltimore Center for the Performing Arts.
More than 2,000 actors, creative writers, dancers,
musicians, singers, and visual artists live in Mary-
land. Annual scholarship and award programs and
in-school artist residencies nurture student interest
in the arts, as do more than 30 schools and acade-
mies devoted to training young artists, including
Baltimore's School for the Arts, the Peabody Insti-
tute of The Johns Hopkins University, and the
Bethesda Academy of Performing Arts. Aggregate
State, county and municipal funding for the arts
totaled more than $21 million in 1992.
Maryland at a Glance /II