Records Division, Central, State Police ...... 427, 440
Records Management Division ............. 266, 273
Records retention and disposal schedules ......... 500
Recruitment and Examination Division ...... 419, 423
Recycling Advisory Council ................... 486
Recycling Board, Newsprint .............. 248, 257
Recycling Office ........................ 248,257
Redistricting Advisory Committee .............. 486
Referendum ............................... 148
Refugee Affairs, Maryland Office of ......... 350, 361
Regents, Morgan State University Board of ...... 529
Regents, University of Maryland System Board
of ................................ 546,548
Regional Education Service Agency of
Appalachian Maryland .................... 570
Regional Institute for Children and
Adolescents—RockviUe ............... 279, 295
Regional Institute for Children and
Adolescents—Baltimore ............... 279, 294
Regional Institute for Children and
Adolescents—Southern Maryland ........ 279, 296
Regional Planning Council.................... 568
Registration and Election Laws of Maryland ........ 512
Regulations Coordination Office, DHMH .... 281, 307
Rchabilitadon and Employment Advisory
Commission ........................ 231, 245
Rehabilitation and Technology Information
Clearinghouse ........................... 302
Rehabilitation Center .................... 231, 245
Rehabilitation Information Service .............. 302
Rehabilitation Program, Housing ........... 333, 336
Rental Housing Programs ................ 327, 333
Renters' Tax Credit Program .................. 503
Reporter, State ............................. 604
Republican Party State Central Committee ....... 715
Research Division, Legislative Reference
Department .......................... 36, 56
Research Office, DEED .................. 209, 215
Research, Survey and Registration Office,
DHCD ............................ 328, 342
Resident Trooper Program ................ 428, 442
Residential Environment Program, Adult
Certified ........................... 349,359
Residential Placement of Handicapped
Children, State Coordinating Council for ...... 154
Resource Conservation Office, DAG ........ 192, 201
Resource Protection Program, DNR ............ 418
Respiratory Care Professional Standards
Committee ........................ 284, 325
Respite Care Program ................... 349, 359
Retail Farmers' Market Directory ................ 197
Retirement Agency State ................. 543, 544
Retirement and Pension Systems ............... 542
Retirement Plans, Supplemental ................ 545
Retriever, Chesapeake Bay ..................... 10
Revenue Estimates Board ................. 166,169
Revenue Estimates Bureau ................ 166,169
Review Board, DHMH .................. 277, 288
Review Board, DNR ........................ 418
General Index/853
Review Board, DOT .................... 455, 464
Rights, Bill of .............................. 15
Rights, Declaration of ....................... 743
Risk Management Administration, State Employees ... 522
Risk Management Advisory Council, State
Employees ............................. 523
Rivers ..................................... 2
Rivers Review Board, Scenic and Wild ...... 398, 407
Roads Commission, State ................ 456, 465
Rocky Gap State Park Board .................. 398
Rosewood Center ...................... 281, 305
Roxbury Correctional Institution ........... 430, 447
Rules and Executive Nominations Committee
(House) ............................. 35, 47
Rules Committee (Senate) .................. 34, 45
Rural Development Program .................. 339
Safety Glazing Law ......................... 337
Safety Inspection ....................... 376, 385
Safety Training Programs for Power Equipment
Operators, Advisory Committee on ...... 377, 386
St. John's College, established .................. 15
St. Mary's City ........................... 1, 345
St. Mary's City Commission, Historic ....... 329, 345
St. Mary's College of Maryland ................ 538
St. Mary's County .......................... 686
board of supervisors of elections ......... 686, 718
employment & training office .............. 226
health department ....................... 303
legislative district map ..................... 89
offices and officials ....................... 686
property tax assessment appeals board ........ 534
senior information & assistance ............. 498
social services department ................. 356
St. Mary's River State Park Citizens Advisory
Committee ............................. 397
Salary Administration and Position
Classification Division ................ 419, 423
Salary Plan, State ........................... 423
Sales and Use Tax Division ............... 168,170
Salisbury State University .................... 553
Sanitary Commission, Washington Suburban ...... 572
Saratoga State Center Division ............ 265, 272
Savage Mountain Youth Center ............ 367,372
Savings and Loan Association Commissioners ..... 394
Savings and Loan Associations Division ..... 376,381
Scenic and Wild Rivers Review Board ....... 398, 407
Scholarship Administration ................... 518
School accreditation ......................... 240
School Construction, Interagency Committee on . . 175
School Health Council................... 283,323
School Improvement and Program Enrichment .... 241
School Library Media Services ................. 239
School Performance, Commission on ............ 491
School Performance Office ................ 230, 238
Schools Superintendent, State ............. 229, 235
Science Advisory Board, DNR ............. 400, 411
Science Advisory Council, Governor's ........... 486
Sea Grant College, Maryland .................. 558
Seafood and Aquaculture Loan Fund ............ 218