852/Maryland Manual
Poultry Health Advisory Committee, Maryland .... 579
Poultry Health Council, Mid-Atlantic ............ 579
Power Equipment Operators Safety Training
Programs, Advisory Committee on ....... 377,386
Power Plant and Environmental Review
Division, DNR ...................... 400,411
Power Plant Research Advisory Committee . . . 400, 411
Power Plant Siting Advisory Committee ......... 418
Pre-Release System ...................... 432, 448
Pre-Release Unit for Women .............. 432, 448
Precious metals dealers, secondhand, liccnsure of 377, 393
Pregnancy, Governor's Council on Adolescent ..... 153
Prehospital Care and Delivery of Trauma
Patients Committee ...................... 485
Prescription Drug Commission ................. 485
Preservation of Streams Task Force .............. 532
Preservation Services Office, DHCD ............ 342
Predial Detention and Services Division ..... 428, 444
Pretrial Release Services Program ........... 428, 444
Prevailing Wage Rates Advisory Council ..... 376, 385
Prevailing Wage Unit ........................ 385
Primary election returns, 1990 ................. 719
Prince George's County ...................... 683
board of supervisors of elections ......... 683, 718
employment & training office ............... 226
health department........................ 303
legislative district maps .................. 70, 87
offices and officials ....................... 683
property tax assessment appeals board ........ 533
senior information & assistance ............. 498
social services department .................. 356
Printing and Publication Division ........... 265, 273
Private detectives, licensing ................... 441
Private Sector Advisory Council ............ 210, 216
Pro Bono Program Committee ................. 176
Procurement Advisory Council ............. 173,174
Procurement Review Board ............... 263, 268
Produce Market, Wholesale ................... 514
Professional Counselors Board of Examiners . . 283, 322
Professional Development Academy, SDOE ....... 240
Professional Engineers Board .............. 377,390
Professional Engineers Registration Board ........ 394
Professional Land Surveyors Board .......... 377, 391
Professional Land Surveyors Registration Board . .. 394
Program Open Space .................... 398, 406
Program Open Space Allocation Committee . . 397, 405
Project Independence Management Office ........ 347
Property maps ............................. 503
Properly Tax Assessment Appeals Boards ......... 532
Prosecutor, Office of State .................... 540
Prosecutor Selection and Disabilities
Commission, State ....................... 541
Protocol Commission, Flag ................... 491
Protocol Committee (General Assembly) ....... 35, 47
Psychiatric Research Center ............... 279, 294
Psychiatrist Assistants Advisory Committee . .. 284,325
Psychologists Examiners Board ............ 283,322
Public Accommodations Law .................. 521
Public Accountancy Board ................ 377, 392
Public Assistance, General .................... 358
Public Assistance Office .................. 349,358
Public Broadcasting Commission ............... 534
Public Defender, Federal ..................... 712
Public Defender, Maryland .............. 535
Public Defender System District Advisory
Boards ............................ 535,537
Public Ethics Law .......................... 513
Public Funds Management Joint Committee .... 36, 52
Public Health Services ................... 278, 292
Public Improvements, Department of ........... 267
Public Instruction, Superintendent of........ 233, 234
Public Lands, DNR ......................... 397
Public Libraries and State Networking Branch ... .239
Public Relations Office, DHMH ........... 277, 289
Public Safety and Correctional Services,
Department of ...................... 425, 434
Public School Construction Program ............ 175
Public school enrollment data ................... 7
Public Service Commission ................... 537
Public transportation .......................... 5
Public Works Board ......................... 173
Publications Depository and Distribution
Program, State .......................... 542
Purchasing Bureau ...................... 265, 272
Queen Anne's County ....................... 684
board of supervisors of elections ......... 684, 718
employment & training office .............. 226
health department ....................... 303
legislative district map ..................... 88
offices and officials ....................... 684
property tax assessment appeals board ........ 533
senior information & assistance ............. 498
social services department ................. 356
Racing Commission ..................... 377,393
Racing Division ........................ 377, 393
RADAR ................................. 440
Radiation Control Advisory Board .......... 249, 259
Radioactive Waste Commission ................ 575
Radiological Health Program ............. 249, 259
Radiological Plan ........................... 528
Rail Freight Services .................... 457,466
Rail Passenger Services .................. 457, 466
RMlPlau ................................. 466
Railroad Administration ................. 457, 466
Railroad Safety and Health ............... 376, 385
Railroads ................................... 7
Rape Crisis Program ........................ 362
Real Estate Appraisers Commission ......... 377, 388
Real Estate Commission ................. 377,388
Real Estate Hearing Board ................... 388
Real Estate Office, DGS ................. 263, 269
Real Estate Office, DOT ..................... 466
Rcapportionmcnt and Redistricting Committee
(Senate) ............................. 34,45
Reception, Diagnostic, and Classification
Center ............................ 429,446
Records, public ............................ 499
Records Center ........................ 266, 273