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Maryland Manual, 1991-92
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792/Maryland Manual

Bandelin, Richard J. 277, 290
Bandis, Vida J. 554
Bangcrter, Norman 580
Banister, Elwood H. 518,528
Banks, Alfred 714
Banks, Earl C. 526,713
Banks, Robert;. 716
Banks, Saundra E. 654
Banks-Crowder, Ruth 521
Bannon, Gregory C. 606
Baptiste, Patricia S. 699
Baradcl, Ronald A. 605
Barb, William Donald, Jr. 654
Barbec, Richard C. 656,731
Barbcra, Mary Ellen 178,183
Barbour-Pugh, Janet 684
Barclay, Pamela W 282
Bard, Daniel 192
Barfield, Elizabeth J. 553
Barker, Philip J. 675
Barklcy Marion W 694
Barkley Norma Lee 694
Barksdale, LaDean D. 684
Barlow, MalcolmS. 542
Barnard, Elizabeth G. 277, 289
Barnes, Elvira 714
Barnes, James W,IY 384
Barnes, Michael D. 480,578
Barnes, R. Kenneth, Jr. 417
Barnes, Robert 521
Barnes, Sandra I. 177
Barnes, W D. 226
Barnes, William D. 545
Barnett, Cleatus E. 573, 582
Barnett, Helene 654
Barnhan, David W 692
Barnhart, Joan A. 168
Barnwell, Newcll P. 655
Baron, Brent Z. 658
Baron, Jean 177
Baron, Stephen T. 293
Baronc, Samuel 550
Barr,AlanM. 178
Ban.I.Brucc 199
Barrack, James A. 509
Barrack, Keith 247
Barranco, Frank T. 319,470
Barren, Alfred L. 729
Barren, George E., Jr. 178
Barren:, James 210
Banctt, Jane F. 712
Barrett, M. James 223
Barren, Robert 714
Barrick, Nancy Daniels 362
Barron, Frederic J. 459,474
Barron, Robert E. 489,560,561
Barrows, A. Porter 567
BarrvJim 652
Barry John K. 176,180
Bany Thomas 394
Barshay Donald B. 146,148,526,
Bartell, Eugene 349,359
Bartenfeldcr, Joseph 31, 45, 47,
Bartlett, Deanna J. 699
Bardctt, John G. 475
Battler Donald E 470
Banman,Ian 488
Barton, John W 198

Barton, Richard P. 397
Barton, Thomas G. 463, 465
Barve, Kumar P. 31, 46, 60, 64,
109,728, 739
Barwick, Thomas 265
Basarab, Lisa 655
Basarab, Stephen 715
Basford.J.B. 225
Bashaar, John R. 658
Basil, Robert 168
Basilone, Peter J. 656
Bass, H.Gary 600,632
Bass, Thomas L. 700
Bassctt, Floyd F. 696
Bast, Janet 266
Bastian, Anne B. 717
Bastian.TylerJ. 341,486
Bates, Robert B. 725
Bates, Ronald F. 367, 373, 476
Battaglia, Lynne Ann 177,181
Batterton. Richard A. 158, 227,
Batton, William C. 716
Bauer, Dane S. 247, 253, 402
Bauer,Gary 716
Bauer, Susan M. 712
Bauereis, Elizabeth Ingram 486
Baucrnschub, Dennis 656
Baucrsfeld, William 263. 269
Baugher, Allan 199,513
Baughman, M. Sue 230,239
Baum, Price 160
Baum, Price Armstrong 244
Bauman, Ethan L. 712
Bauman, Gus 569
Baumann, Max 658
Baumgardner, Mark 567
Ba% Walter C. 556
Baybutt, Arlenc E. 717
Baynes, Barbara 294
Baynes, Keith A. 716
Beach, Donald 714
Beacham, Edmund G. 483
Beadle, Margaret 673
Beall,J.Glenn,Jr. 164,517
Beall, Robert L. 523
Bean, Doris C. 534
Bcander, Bcvcrly K. 236
Beans, F. William 328,334
Beard, Christopher Lee 606
Beard, David C. 673
Beard, DeLawrence 536, 595, 615
Beard, Dennis 713,714
Beard, Mildred 148
Beasley; Evelyn T. 520
Bcasman, Robert W 278
Bcasman, William A., Jr. 480, 489
BeattyLula 152
Beatty, Sharon L. 45
Beaulieu, T.Wallace 456
Beavan, James B. 201
Beavers, Erik 429
Beazley Margaret A. 717
Bcccio, Vincent J. 731
Beck.Asa 722
Beck, George H. 470
Beck, Henry C. 564
Beck,Jack F. 223
Beck, Joan 716
Beck,Joyce A. 714

Beck.LarryB. 679
Beck, Raymond 728,739
Beck, Raymond E., Sr. 58,142,
595, 616, 631,723,735
Bccker, Diane M. 316
Becker, Janice 279,296
Becker, Louis A., Ill 602,632, 642
Becker, Peter 406
Beckett, Robert L. 163,397, 398,
Beckett, William Wells 608
Beckham,Paul 245
Beddow, Brian 656
Bednarik, Rebecca M. 381
Bcdwell, John 700
Bcechcr, Edward 457
Beehlcr, G. Cloyce 230
Beem, Kenneth A. 518
Beggs, Elizabeth 377,389
Behan, Cornelius J. 145, 160, 435,
Behm.Mark 555
Behr, Walter J. 702
Beilenson, Peter 732
Beims, Constance R. 555
Bekman, Paul D. 607
Bclgrad, Herbert J. 539
Bell, Alma T. 482
Bell, Bernard 236
Bell,Bernice 516
Bell, Charles M. 179
Bell, David 472
Bell.GlennW 176
Bell, J. Ernest, II 31, 34, 46, 47,
Bell,J.Ncil 521
Bell, J. Steven 716
Bell, Jo Ann T. 683
Bell, John A. 727
Bell, Kathleen K. 675
Bell, Lawrence A. 652
Bell, Ophelia G. 295
Bell, Robert M. 435,587,611,
Bell, Rosalyn Blake 479, 591, 613
Bell, Rusty 432
Bell, Ruth Wilder 318
Bell, Walter E, Jr. 692
Bcll.WayneH. 557
Bellamy, Juanita 656
Bellavancc, Thomas E. 236, 547,
Belt, Jean K. 179
Bender, Charles C. 673
Bender, Filmore E. 518
Bender, John F. 338,386,428
Bender, Michael 153,157
Benedict, Virginia 714
Benevento, Louis A. 314
Benik, Bcrnadette T. 172, 528
Benil, Charles N. 518
Benjamin, Eleanor J. 488
Benjamin, Howard L. 525
Benjamin, Vivian L. 338
Bcnna,Carl 338
Benner, Carol 282,311,312
Bennctt, Daniel W, Jr. 377, 389
Bennett, Douglas D. 223
Bennctt, Edna D. Simmons 320


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Maryland Manual, 1991-92
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