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Maryland Manual, 1991-92
Volume 185, Page 791   View pdf image (33K)
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Andrews, Tonn K 728,739
Angelcm, Edward J 535,596,615
Angclos, Michael 457,467
Angcrman, Carl 280
Angevine, Janice L 176,180
Angle, S Bntt 145,482
Annan, Albert 230
Anthony Constantinc A 605
Anthony; Gcary 505
Anzalonc, James 429
AppelJohnJJr 714
Appclbaum, Stanley A 320
Apple, Barbara C 236
ApplcbyJ Kevin 362
Applcfeld, Florainc 143, 487
Applegarth,S Hubert, Jr 669
Aquard, Charles A 714
Aquilano, Nancy S 655
Arabian, Mary 482,546,631
Aragona, Mane 533
AranaJoscD 279,294
Archer, Jcreleigh A, Sr 476
Archer, Rex 303
Archer Shce, Audrey Z 297
Ardingcr, Robert K 254
Ards,SheilaD. 354,684
Anev, Theodore 263,270
Armcni, Dina L 655
Armcntrout, Kathannc J 712
Anniger,L Earl 491
Anmstead, William T, Jr 698
Annold, Judith A 55
Armstrong, Lon 143
Amick, JohnS 31,35,36,46,47,
Amic, Charles H 502
Arnie, James M 167
Arnold, Andrew C 717
Arnold, Douglas B 716, 730, 740
Arnold, Evelyn W 686
Arnold, Francis M 595, 615, 631,
Arnold, J Barto, III 341
Arnold, Patrick 209
Arnonc, Enordo R 649
Aro.Karl 51
Aronson, Dcbra E 317
Aronson, Shirley C 609
Arora, Barbara 259
Arrendondo, Rudolph 481
Amndcll, Evan R 509
Arlington, Henry T 572
Amngton, Lloyd M,Jr 210,219
Amngton, Michael 31,46,60,65,
Amngton, Vcrnell B 154
Arscott, Carol A 716
Arthur, Alice Victoria 319
Arthur, Thomas E 483
Arzt, Robert 559
Ashburn, Darwin W 430
AshburyM Dunbar 392
Ashcraft, Stcvcn 429
Ashkcr, Khcdar 470
Ashlcy Frances A 731,741
Ashler Janet Lee 679
Ashler John M 507
Ashton, Richard J 439,443
Ashworth, John W, III 559

Askew, Margaret 225
Asparagus, Jo Ann 715
Asplen, Carol 714
Aso, Alison L 180,539
Asti,Dons 665
Asde, John C 31,45,49,52,58,
Asde, Norman 255
Atallah, Laila K 179
Atchison, Mark L 552
Athen, Joan I 716
Athey; Edward L 509
AthcyTyrasS 31,35,47,48,49,
Allans, Barbara Mane 29
Atkmson, Albert B 578
Attanson, Donald 433,452
Attanson, Rosemary 307
Atkmson Stewart, Pearline 714
Atlas, Simon 435
Attar, Safuh 470
AtweU,MaryF 36,57
Aud, Marpne B 686
Aughenbaugh, Deborah Ann 698
Augustus, Lillian 355
Aukamp, Ann 322
Aukcr, Lcnore 649
Ault, Roger Curtis 717
Aumann, Karl R 716
Austin, Cathenne K 419, 422,485
Austin, Eva P 146,147,151,152,
154,155,427, 439
Austin, Ronald R 729, 740
Avallonc, Richard 376,385
Avara, R Charles 31,36, 45,52,
Avenll, Dennis G 260
Avcry; Shaila R 450
Avnct, James K. 179
Axclrad, Peter F 607
AydJohnJ 456
Ayella, Richard J 677
Ayhng, Nelson 376
Azrael, Jonathan A 607
Azzarello, Samuel J , Jr 457


Babcock, Kenneth 649
Babmcc, Rebecca M 511
Bach,Bany 609
Bach.Ccceha 606
Bach,Ingvard 384
Bach, Lawrence J 543
Bacharach, Carl W 642
Bacharach, Deborah B 180
Bachman, Frodenck James 223
Bachman, George 518
Bachman, George F 651
Bachman, Robert A 399,409
Backas, James 211,221,345
Bacon, Clarence M 491,559,560
Bacon, Janet Q 433,451
Bacon,John,Jr 564
Badawi, David 517,518
Bader, Heather B 599
Badger, Wilham A 537
Bacr, Curtis H 654
Bacr, Elizabeth 481
Bafford.J Melvm 457


Baginsta, Thomas J 519
Baghn, Carol Ann 153,157, 236
Bahen, George E 535
Baida, Andrew H 176
Baikauskas, Rita A 503
Bail, Dolores J 164
Baile, Merle H,Jr 209
Bailer, John R 683
Bailee Conway 431
Bailey; Dorothy F 382
Bailey; Ernest L , Jr 491
Bailey; Ernestine J 696
Bailey; Gene 457
Bailey; Jane W 605
Bailee Morgan C 457,467
Bailey Thomas M 559,563
Bailey; Virginia R 303
Bailee Vivian C 313,606
Bailey; Wlham Edward 571, 686
Bailey; Wilham M 238
Bair,GaryE 178,183
Bair, Robert A 567
Baker, Alan 280,300
Baker, Carol Jane 408
Baker, Charles R 502
Baker, Daniel 0, Jr 660
Baker, David 349
Baker, Diane 716
Baker, Donna 399
Baker, Guy A, Jr 671
Baker, Henry S , Jr 480
Baker, Holmcs R 671
Baker, Joseph 167
Baker, Joseph D 509
Baker, Mary R 692
Baker, Michael J 717,728,739
Baker, Nelson L 430
Baker, Ronald E 210
Baker, Rudolph N 304
Baker, Russell T,Jr 541
Baker, Sharon 714
Baker, Stanley C 510
Baker, Theodore 533
Baker, Thomas B 146,148, 526
Baker, Timothy D 145
Baker, Vaughn J 534
Baker, W McNeill 444
Baker, W Wallace 247
Baker, Walter M 31,34,36,45,
Baker, Will 487
Baker, Wilham 714
Baker, William C 480, 564
Baldwin, H Furlong 52
Baldwin, Maunce W, Jr 595,615
Baldwin, Robert C 716
Baldwin, Wilham S 642
Bahnt, Walter E 727
Ball, Robert G.Jr 533
Ballard, Ann M 662
Ballard, Francis H 297,688,715
Ballard, Paul J 179
Balodemas, Chns 484
Balog, George G 569
Baker, Joseph A 712
Bambacus, John N 487
Bambcrgcr,E Clinton, Jr 261
Banagan, James M 194, 607
Banahan, Harry J 221


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Maryland Manual, 1991-92
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