Circuit Court, 3rd Judicial Circuit (Associate Judge,
1975—). Born in Havre de Grace, Maryland, October 28,
1938. Georgetown Prep; Fordham University, B.S.S.,
1960; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1964;
National Judicial College, University of Nevada, graduate,
1977. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1964. Member,
Maryland State and Baltimore County Bar Associations.
Former Assistant State's Attorney, Baltimore County; Ex-
ecutive Assistant State's Attorney, Baltimore County;
Deputy State's Attorney, Baltimore County. Judge, Dis-
trict 8, District Court of Maryland, 1972-75. Former
part-time professor, Towson State University. Past presi-
dent, Gunpowdcr/Kingsville Optimist Club. Past chair-
man, Public Relations Committee, St. Stephen's Catholic
Church; Young Lawyers Committee. Past member,
Library Committee and Ethics Committee, Baltimore
County Bar Association.
WARREN B. DUCKETT, JR. Associate Judge, Annc
Arundcl County Circuit Court, 5th Judicial Circuit, since
1988. Born in Annapolis, Maryland, August 28, 1939.
University of Maryland, B.A., 1962; University of
Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1966. Admitted to
Maryland Bar, 1967. Member, Maryland State and Annc
Arundcl County Bar Associations. Special agent. National
Security Agency, 1962-67. Assistant State's Attorney,
Annc Arundel County, 1967-69. Member, Anne Arundel
County Council, 1970-73. State's Attorney, Anne Arundel
County, 1973-88. President, Maryland State's Attorneys'
Association, 1976-77, 1984-85. Board of Directors, Na-
tional District Attorneys Association, 1976-77, 1984-85.
Executive Committee, Maryland Chiefs of Police Associa-
tion, 1986-88. Adjunct Professor of Law, Anne Arundel
Community College, 1975—. Outstanding Prosecutor in
the Washington Metropolitan Area, Metropolitan Board
of Trade, 1979. Human Relations Award, Frontiers Club
of Annapolis, 1981. Life Membership Award for Out-
standing Service, Annapolis Jaycees, 1985. Exceptional
Service Award, U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services,
1986. Distinguished Service Award, Southern District
Police Community Relations Association, 1986. Member,
Jaycccs; YMCA; Annapolis Touchdown Club; Annapolis
Rotary Club, American Council of Young Political
Leaders, 1974-79 (delegate. Soviet Union, 1974;
delegate, NATO Conference, Paris, 1976). Counsel to
Board of Directors, Opportunities Industrialization Cen-
ter, 1984-88. Board member. Scholarships for Scholars,
Inc., 1985—.
JAMES B. DUDLEY. Associate Judge, Howard County
Circuit Court, 5th Judicial Circuit, since 1990. Born in
Escanaba, Michigan, February 1, 1937. Beloit College,
B.A., 1958; University of Maryland, M.A., 1960; Univer-
sity of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1965. Admitted to
Maryland Bar, 1965. Member, Maryland State and
Howard County Bar Associations. Member, Maryland
State Bar Association Judicial Nominating Committee,
1976-80. Member, Appellate Judicial Nominating Com-
mission, 5th Judicial Circuit, 1980-86. Judge, District 10,
District Court of Maryland, 1988-90.
G. EDWARD DWYER, JR. Associate Judge, Frederick
County Circuit Court, 6th Judicial Circuit, since 1985.
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, March 20, 1946. Loyola
College, B.A., 1968; University of Maryland School of
Law, J.D., 1971. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1972. Mem-
ber, Maryland State and Frederick County Bar Associa-
tions; American and Maryland Trial Lawyers Associations.
Past president and general chairman. United Way of
Circuit Court Bwffraphies/619
Frederick County. Past member. Board of Directors of the
Red Cross.
Judge, Worcester County Circuit Court, 1st Judicial Cir-
cuit, since 1983. Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June
30, 1940. Stcven Decatur High School; University of
Baltimore, A.A., 1962; University of Baltimore School of
Law, LL.B., 1965. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1965. Past
member, American and Maryland State Bar Associations.
Member, Worcester County Bar Association; National
District Attorneys Association. Recipient ofSigma Delta
Kappa Award for highest scholastic average. Deputy
State's Attorney, Worcester County, 1966-70. Public
Defender, Worcester County, 1971-77. Judge, District
Court of Maryland, District 2, Worcester County, 1981-
83. Past member, Jaycees; Lions Club.
JOHN F. FADER II. Associate Judge, Baltimore Coun-
ty Circuit Court, 3rd Judicial Circuit, since 1982. Born in
Baltimore, Maryland, February 12, 1941. Attended Bal-
timore County schools; University of Maryland Pharmacy
School, B.S., 1963; University of Maryland School ofLaw,
LL.B., 1968. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1968. Judge,
District 8, District Court of Maryland, 1977-82.
VINCENT J. FEMIA. Associate Judge, Prince George's
County Circuit Court, 7th Judicial Circuit, since 1977.
Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 26,1936. Haver-
ford High School, Haverford, Pennsylvania. Served in
U.S. Air Force. George Washington University, B.A.,
1959; George Washington University Law School, J.D.,
1961. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1961. Member, Prince
George's County Bar Association. Certified public ac-
countant. Assistant State's Attorney, Prince George's
County, 1963-69. Deputy State's Attorney, Prince
George's County, 1969-72. Judge, District 5, District
Court of Maryland, 1972-77.
VINCENT E. FERRETTI, JR. Associate Judge,
Montgomery County Circuit Court, 6th Judicial Circuit,
since 1988. Born in New York, New York, June 7,1937.
Georgetown University, B.S., 1959; Georgetown Univer-
sity Law School, LL.B., 1963. Admitted to District of
Columbia Bar, 1964. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1970.
Member, American Bar Association (house of delegates,
1985-88). Member, Maryland State Bar Association
(president, 1986-87; board of governors, 1980-82,1983-
88). Member, Montgomery County Bar Association
(treasurer, 1972-73; executive committee, 1977-78). Fel-
low, Maryland Bar Foundation. Trustee, Maryland In-
stitute for the Continuing Professional Education of
Lawyers (MICPEL), 1985-88. Law Clerk to Judge Joseph
M. F. Ryan, Jr., Superior Court of the District of Colum-
bia, 1963-64. Assistant Corporation Counsel, District of
Columbia, 1964-69. Assistant City Attorney, City of
Rockvillc, 1969-79. President, Rockvillc Jaycccs, 1969-
Judge, Baltimore City Circuit Court, 8th Judicial Circuit,
since 1985. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, January 19,
1941. Attended Baltimore parochial schools; College of
Notrc Dame of Maryland, B.A., 1962; University of
Maryland School of Law, LL.B., 1966; University of
Pennsylvania School of Social Work, M.S.W., 1969. Ad-
mitted to Maryland Bar, 1967. Member, Maryland State
Bar Association (board of governors, 1982-84); Baltimore
City Bar Association (treasurer, 1984-85). Member,
American and Women's Bar Associations. Founding mem-