George's County They are appointed to four-year
terms by the governing body of each county (Code
1957, Art. 29).
Chairperson: Hilda R. Pemberton, Prince
George's County
Appointed by Montgomery County Executive: Cleacus
E. Barnett; Carlton R. Sickles; one vacancy.
Appointed by Prince George's County Executive: John
P. Davey; Robert Nash.
Ex ofjwio: Alexander J. Eckmann, designee of
Secretary of Transportation
Gloria B. Fischer, Executive Secretary-Treasurer
8720 Georgia Ave., Suite 904
Silver Spring, MD 20910 565-9665
The Washington Suburban Transit Commission
was created in 1965 (Chapter 870, Acts of 1965).
The Commission administers activities and func-
tions of the Washington Suburban Transit District
and has powers to develop, on a bi-county basis, a
transportation system including mass transit
facilities for the needs and growth of Montgomery
and Prince George's counties.
Intercounty Agencies/573
The Commission acts as the financial conduit
through which funding of mass transportation
projects within the counties takes place. Within the
bi-county area, it coordinates mass transit programs
of the two county governments with each other,
with the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit
Authority and with the Maryland Department of
The Commission and the Washington
Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA),
work together to develop a regional rapid rail tran-
sit system. The Commission appoints two of its
members and two alternates to the Authority's
Board of Directors. The Authority is the interstate
agency charged with the overall responsibility of
planning, financing, and operating the regional
rapid rail and bus transit systems for the
Washington metropolitan area.
The Commission consists of seven members.
Three are appointed by the Montgomery County
Executive, and three by the Prince George's County
Executive. The Secretary of Transportation (or
designee) serves ex officio. Commissioners who are
appointed from among the members of the elected
governing bodies serve at the pleasure of the Coun-
ty Executive, while others serve three-year terms.
The position of chairperson alternates annually be-
tween Montgomery and Prince George's counties.