504/Maryland Manual
reason other than nonpayment of premiums. With
respect to the second function, the Fund acts as any
private insurance company and is subject to regula-
tion by the State Insurance Commissioner.
Every owner of a motor vehicle registered in
Maryland must maintain the basic required primary
coverage of $20,000/$40,000 bodily injury,
$10,000 property damage, and $2,500 economic
loss coverage. Such compulsory insurance reduces
substantially the number of uninsured claims. It is
nor expected, however, that uninsured claims will
disappear completely There will be hit-and-run ac-
cidents, out-of-state uninsured drivers, and
Marylanders who will not comply with the law;
The Fund receives no general funds from the Stare,
and its assets are not part of die State Treasury Present
Fund assets are derived from four sources: 1) monies
collected from premiums and earnings from invest-
ments (Code 1957, Art. 48A, sees. 243-243L); 2)
assessments, when required, levied against all
automobile insurers (Code 1957, Art. 4&A, sees.
243A, 243M-243N); 3) funds recovered from unin-
sured motorists by the Uninsured Division; and 4)
penalties imposed by the Motor Vehicle Administra-
tion against uninsured motorists (Code Transporta-
tion Article, sees. 17-101 through 17-110).
The Fund is governed by an eleven-member Board
oflrustees, Five members of the Board are appointed by
the Governor with Senate advice and consent and serve
at the Governor's pleasure. Rve members are appointed
by the Board of Directors of the Industry Automobile
Insurance Association. The Executive Director of the
Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund serves ex offido
(Code 1957, Arc. 48A, sec. 243M). The chairperson is
selected by the Board, and the position alternates,
for each successive term, between industry and
government appointees. The Board advises the Ex-
ecutive Director and formulates policy for the Fund.
Appointed by the Board of Trustees, the Execu-
tive Director is responsible for the exercise of all
duties conferred on the Fund, except those reserved
to the Board of Trustees.
Robert S. Hillman, Chairperson, 1992
Appointed by Governor (who also designates chair) with
Senate advice and consent: William Brown, 1991;
Earl Linehan, 1991; Thomas J. D'Alesandro III,
1992; Norman M. Glasgow, Sr., 1992.
Ex offido: Charles L. Benton, Jr., Secretary of
Budget & Fiscal Planning; J. Randall Evans,
Secretary of Economic & Employment
Vacancy, Executive Director
c/o Whiteford, Taylor & Preston
7 St. Paul St., Suite 1400
Baltimore, MD 21201 347-8754
The Baltimore Convention Center Authority
was formed in 1990 (Chapter 225, Acts of 1990).
The Authority is to evaluate existing convention
facilities and prepare a citywide plan for facilities and
services needed to attract conventions, conferences,
and expositions to Baltimore City The Authority
makes recommendations on expanding and en-
hancing the Baltimore Convention Center in terms
of location, purpose, design, function, capacity
parking, costs, funding mechanisms, and sources of
Appointed by the Governor with Senate advice
and consent, five members of the Authority serve
two-year terms. The Secretary of Budget and Fiscal
Planning and the Secretary of Economic and
Employment Development serve ex ofticio as non-
voting members. The Governor designates the
chairperson. Authorization for the Authority con-
tinues until June 30,1992.
Frederick Puente, Chairperson, 1991
Appointed by Governor with Senate advice & consent:
William E. Hadlock, 1991; Donald J. Morris,
1991; James R. Berens, 1992; Walter A. Brown,
1992; Joseph S. Roeder, 1992; Ellsworth (Skip)
Sharpe, 1992; Jimmie Dale Flanagan, 1993;
Andrew S. Gasldns, 1993; Lorraine Raffel, 1993;
one vacancy.
Richard J. Brueckner, President
2901 Strickland St.
Baltimore, MD 21223 233-4567
BUDGET (CODE 36.01.03)
PY1991 Total Appropriation ...... $1,246,300
General Funds .................. $1,246,300
PY1991 Total Authorized Positions ....... 287
Annual Report to Governor, General Assembly <&f
chairpersons of Joint Budget and Audit
Richard J. Brueckner .............. .233-4567
Francis Burns, Vict-Prtsidtnt .. .233-4567
Jerry Dotterweich, Director ... .233-4567