486/Maryland Manual
Harvey Alter, Ph.D., Chairperson, 1992
Appointed by Governor (who also designates chair):
George T. Hudnet; Lenny D. Minutillo, Jr.;
Michael J. Pelczar, Jr., Ph.D.; Joan B. Pitkin;
Gerald W. Winegrad. Terms expire 1990.
Paul Hollinger; James F. Katcef; Regina J.
McNeill; Thomas W. Redmond, Sr.; John W.
Schafer; Barry F. Scher. Terms expire 1991.
Michael A. Gagliardo; Lawrence J. Hayward; Dan
K. Morhaim, M.D.; Ronald Nelson; George G.
Perdikakis. Terms expire 1992.
c/o Office of Waste Minimization & Recycling
Dept. of the Environment
2500 Broening Hwy.
Baltimore, MD 21224 631-3315
To develop innovative approaches for the State's
mandated recycling goals, the Governor established
the Advisory Council on Recycling in May 1989
(Executive Order 01.01.1989.08). The Council is
to recommend ways to reduce waste from packaged
materials, limit recycling costs, and protect the en-
vironment and public health. The Council will
evaluate markets for recyclable materials; the need
to expand or construct recycling centers; and rules
and regulations for recycling the solid waste stream.
Increasing public and government participation in
recycling, and programs for waste reduction at the
source of generation also will be considered by the
Council, as will the economic feasibility of recycling
programs, and costs, benefits, and effects of replac-
ing certain packaging materials.
The Council includes representatives of the
General Assembly the Department of the Environ-
ment, the Maryland Environmental Service, the
Maryland Association of Counties, the Maryland
Municipal League, and the Maryland Food Dealers
Association. Representatives of the environmental
community and the recycling, solid-waste and pack-
aging industries, as well as the general public, also
serve on the Council.
Appointed by Governor:
Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr., Senate President
R. Clayton Mitchell, Jr., House Speaker
Benjamin L. Brown; Donna M. Felling; Norman
M. Glasgow, Sr.
c/o Office of the Senate President
State House
Annapolis, MD 21401 841-3700
In May 1991, the Governor formed the
Rediscricring Advisory Committee. The Committee
will make recommendations to the Governor and
General Assembly on boundary changes for legis-
lative and Congressional election districts. The
changes are to reflect shifts in Maryland's popula-
tion as recorded in the federal census of 1990.
Harry Kriemelmeyer, Chairperson, 1992
Appointed by Governor: Tyier J. Basrian, Ph.D.;
Everett Carter, Ph.D.; Rita Colwell, Ph.D.; W.
Lamar Harris, Ph.D.; Alexander Kossiakoff, Ph.D.;
Dominic J. Monetta; Harold D. Palmer, Ph.D.;
Calvert B. Tolley, Ph.D.; William C. Vergara,
Ph.D.; John D. Walker, Ph.D. Terms expire 1991.
Edward J. Cook, Ph.D.; Dr. John J. Daly; Christine
U. Eccles, Ph.D.; George W. Fisher, Ph.D.; Richard
L. Hall, Ph.D.; John G. Honig, Ph.D.; JackR. Lodge;
Samuel P. Massie, Ph.D.; Frank J. Munno, Ph.D.; M.
Gany Schnappinger, Ph.D. Terms expire 1992.
Elizabeth Ingram Bauereis, Ph.D.; Joseph E. Clark,
Ph.D.; Loren Duane Jensen, Ph.D.; Mitchell A.
Kapland; William E. Kirwan, Ph.D.; Brig. Gen.
Robert S. McGarry; Michael J. Pelczar, Jr., Ph.D.;
Gerard H. Schlimm, Ph.D.; Jack E. Snell, Ph.D.;
Julius H. Taylor, Ph.D. Terms expire 1993.
E. Lander Medlin, Executive Director
PO. Box 294
College Park, MD 20740 405-3205
The Governor formed this council by Executive
Order in 1970 to succeed the Governor's Science
Resources Advisory Council.
The Governor's Science Advisory Council
provides the Governor with objective scientific or
technological advice as the Governor deems neces-
sary and appropriate. The Council identifies broad
future problems in all fields to which scientific ap-
proaches should be applied, formulates recom-
mendations to alleviate these problems, and defines
problem areas for which committees could find
solutions or recommendations for action. The
Council also defines scientific areas needing addi-
tional research or data analysis, reviews available
resources to perform such analysis, and recom-
mends the approach to be used. The Council fur-
tlier works to improve scientific education and
identifies areas for graduate studies, particularly
those studies that will be of value to the State.
At the Governor's request or with the Governor's
approval, die Council provides scientific and tech-
nological advice to the principal executive departments
of State government. It also serves as a liaison with