476/Maryland Manual
Public Safety and Correctional Services, and
Transportation, as well as the University of Maryland
System and the Office of the Attorney General. The
Committee coordinates asbestos management ac-
tivities involving State employees and facilities.
The Committee reviews, evaluates, and promul-
gates asbestos policy, procedures, and practices con-
sistent with the Code of Maryland Regulations
(COMAR), the Maryland Occupational Safety and
Health Law, and regulations of the U.S. Environ-
mental Protection Agency and federal Occupation-
al Safety and Health Administration. The
Committee also sets priorities for asbestos hazard
abatement project proposals and establishes abate-
ment contract guidelines and criteria.
By October 1, the Committee annually submits
to the Governor and General Assembly a report and
a consolidated budget for asbestos management in
State facilities.
Elijah E. Cummings, Chairperson
Albert R. Wynn, Vice-Chairperson
Appointed by Governor: Jereleigh A. Archer, Sr.;
Ronald F. Bates; Devon Brown; Michael R.
Carter; Paulette Hall; Benjamin F. Mason; Therese
Moore; Osborne A. Payne; Henry Pringle; Earl H.
Robbins, Jr.; Richard S. Will; Charlotte June
Appointed by Senate President: Paula C. Hollinger;
Albert R. Wynn; Larry Young.
Appointed by House Speaker: Elijah E. Cummings;
Ulysses Currie; Henry B. Heller.
225 St. Paul St.
Baltimore, MD 21218 366-7212
At the request of the General Assembly, the
Governor created the Governor's Commission on
Black Males in August 1990 (Joint Resolution no.
3, Acts of 1990).
The Commission oversees and supervises four sub-
committees that study the nature and extent of
problems of employment, health care, criminal justice,
and education for black men and youth. The Commis-
sion will implement new programs or demonstration
projects, develop and implement community educa-
tion and public awareness programs, and develop
strategies, all designed to better economic and social
conditions for black men and youth.
The Commission is expected to report its initial
findings and recommendations to the Governor
and the General Assembly by January 1,1992, with
updates due annually thereafter.
Chairperson: David A. C. Carroll, Governor's
Chesapeake Bay Coordinator
Ex officw: Torrey C. Brown, Secretary of Natural
Resources; Wayne A. Cawley, Jr., Secretary of
Agriculture; Robert Perciasepe, Secretary of the
Environment; Donald N. Langenberg, Ph.D.,
Chancellor, University of Maryland System.
c/o Office of the Governor
State House
Annapolis, MD 21401 974-3004
The Governor's Council on the Chesapeake Bay
was formed by the Governor in January 1985 (Ex-
ecutive Order 01.01.1985.02). The Council advises
the Governor on management of the Bay and sur-
rounding areas. The Council also promotes inter-
agency coordination and integration of Bay-related
Chairperson: 0. James Lighthizer, Secretary of
Appointed by Governor: Charles L. Benton, Jr.; David
A C. Carroll; J. Randall Evans; Louis L. Goldstein.
c/o Office of the Secretary
Dept. ofTransportarion
P.O. Box 8755
BWI Airport, MD 21240-0755 859-7397
The Task Force on Chesapeake Bay Ferries was
formed by the Governor in 1987 and last met in
March 1988. The Task Force is studying the
feasibility of restoring ferry service across
Chesapeake Bay Specifically, the Task Force is con-
sidering the costs and number of users of a ferry
service; potential routes, schedules, and fares; and
the impact of ferry service on tourism. In October
and November, 1989, the Department ofTranspor-
tation conducted a survey for the Task Force of Bay
Bridge commuters relating to ferry service. The Task
Force expects ro develop recommendations once
feasibility study reports are completed.
J. P. Blase Cooke, Chairperson
Appointed by Governor: Frank Chaney; J. Roland
Dashlell; Ralph C. Dettor, Jr.; John Driggs;
Richard Gecsinger, Sr.; Clarence Gross; Lewis S.
Kimball, Sr.; RoyKirby,Jr.; Leonard A. Kraiis,Sr.;