464/Maryland Manual
Elmer E. Horsey, Chairperson, 1993
Appointed by Governor with advice of Secretary of
Transportation and Senate advice & consent: Myra
Kovach, 1991; Walter C. Thompson, 1991; Phillip
R. Miller, 1992; Edward S. Murphy, 1992; Robert
A. Thompson, 1992; Jerusa C. Wilson, Ph.D., 1993.
Julianne Stoll, Secretary
The Board of Review of the Department of
Transportation hears and determines appeals from
certain decisions of the Secretary of Transportation
or of any agency within the Department.
The Board consists of seven members appointed
to three-year terms by the Governor with the advice
of the Secretary of Transportation and Senate ad-
vice and consent. At least four must represent the
public and three must have knowledge and ex-
perience in one or more of the fields under the
Department's jurisdiction (Code Transportation
Article, sees. 2-501 through 2-506).
William M. Corun, Chairperson, 1992
Appointed by Governor: William M. Corun, 1992;
Walter E. Woodford, Jr., 1992; Ruth Roberts
Webbon, Dept. of Transportation.
Alternate designated by Governor upon
recommendation of Secretary a/Transportation: Alfred
D. Watts
Ex officio: Stephen G. Zentz, designee of Secretary
of Transportation
Alfred D. Watts, Executive Secretary
P.O. Box 8755
BWI Airport, MD 21240 859-7335
The Transportation Professional Services Selection
Board was created in 1974 (Chapter 732, Acts of
1974). For architectural or engineering services
needed by the Department or a Department unit, the
Board makes recommendations to the Board of Public
Wbrks on the award of contracts when the contract
exceeds $100,000. Actions of the Selection Board are
governed by the Maryland Procurement of Architec-
tural and Engineering Services Act—Transportation
Agencies (Code State finance and Procurement Ar-
ticle, sec. 13-303) and the requirements of the State
Procurement Regulations (COMAR 21.12.02).
The Board has four members. The Governor ap-
points two public members to five-year terms and,
upon recommendation of the Secretary of Transpor-
tation, also selects a member from the Department
of Transportation. The Secretary of Transporta-
tion, or designee, serves ex officio. On recommen-
darion of the Secretary of Transportation, the
Governor may designate an alternate member.
Theodore M. Chandlee, Jr., Chairperson, 1992
Appointed by Governor (who also designates chair) with
advice of Secretary of Transportation and Senate advice
& consent: John T. Cookson, Jr., 1991; James A-
Smith, Jr., 1991; John F. Burk, Jr., 1992; Charles
F. Bittman, 1993; John A. Sullivan, Jr., 1993;
Rudolph V. DePaola, 1994; Henry A. Mack, 1994;
Sylvester A. Miller, 1994; T. James Truby, 1994.
Julianne Stoll, Secretary
EO. Box 8755
BWI Airport, MD 21240 859-7260
The Board of Airport Zoning Appeals was
formed in 1968 to help enforce Bal-
timore/Washington International (BWI) Airport
Noise Zone Regulations (Chapter 450, Acts of
1968). These regulations establish a "noise zone"
around BWI Airport. In this zone, new land
development is prohibited if it is incompatible with
airport noise levels. The Board grants specific
variances from airport zoning regulations in cases
of practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship.
The Board's ten members are appointed to four-
year terms by the Governor with the advice of the
Secretary of Transportation and Senate advice and
consent. Three members must reside in Anne Arun-
del County, three in Baltimore County and two in
Howard County. Two members, including the
chairperson, must be residents of other counties.
The Governor designates the chairperson (Code
Transportation Article, sec. 5-506).
Ronald A. Moser, Assistant Secretary
The Office of Assistant Secretary for Manage-
ment Studies was formed in June 1987. The Office
serves as an internal management consultant group
for the Department.
Ruth Roberts Webbon, Assistant Secretary
James P. Coyle, Deputy Assistant Secretary
In July 1980, the position of Assistant Secretary
of Administration was created. The Assistant
Secretary of Administration oversees the divisions
responsible for management and audit; procure-