Department ofTransportatwn/463
Although possibly the first recorded manned flight occurred over Baltimore in a balloon in 1784,
Maryland did not pass its Uniform State Law for Aeronautics until 1927 (Chapter 637, Acts of 1927),
followed by the creation of the State Aviation Commission in 1929 (Chapter 318, Acts of 1929). The
Commission licensed aviators and airships, set air traffic rules, regulated the construction and operation
of airfields, and otherwise conformed to federal regulations. The Commission became an Administration
in 1970 when the Departmenr of Transportation was formed and in 1972 took over operation of
Friendship International Airport (now BWI) after its purchase by the State. The Administration at that
time went from three employees to over two hundred.
Baltimore was a port long before it was a city but aside from one State official known as the State
Wharfinger, in charge of State-owned or leased docks, particularly those adjacent to the State Tobacco
Warehouse, Maryland had no State agency to oversee port operations until the Maryland Port Authority
was established in 1956 (Chapter 2, Acts of Special Session of 195 6). The Authority's prime concern was
to keep the port competitive by improving and modernizing its facilities and by promoting it worldwide.
Another twentieth century concern was the development of mass transit. As metropolitan areas grew,
private companies were not adequate to the task. The Baltimore Metropolitan Area Mass Transit Legislative
Commission studied the problem (Chapter 766, Acts of 1961), resulting in the creation of the Mass Transit
Administration in 1969 (Chapter 160,1969).
State government responded to modern transportation concerns in the twentieth century by creating
the State Aviation Commission in 1929, the Maryland Port Authority in 1956, the Mass Transit
Administration in 1970, and the State Railroad Administration in 1978.
Under direction of the Secretary, the Department of Transportation oversees the Maryland Transpor-
tation Authority and six administrations concerned with State responsibilities for highways, railroads,
ports, motor vehicles, mass transit, and aviation. Providing the Secretary with advice, guidance, and
direction in a variety of transportation matters are the Maryland Transportation Commission, the Board
of Review, the Transportation Professional Services Selection Board, the Board of Airport Zoning Appeals,
and the State Roads Commission (Code Transportation Article, sees. 2-101 through 2-103).
The Secretary of Transportation heads the
Department. Reporting directly to the Secretary
are the Deputy Secretary; the Assistant
Secretaries for Management Studies, Administra-
tion, and Finance; and three offices: Policy and
Program Analysis, Transportation Planning, and
Public Transportation Management. The
Secretary chairs the Maryland Transportation
Authority and the Maryland Port Commission
and serves on the Transportation Professional
Services Selection Board (Code Transportation
Article, sec. 2-102).
The Department of Transportation administers
the State Highway Safety Program and the
Secretary ofTransportation is the Governor's High-
way Safety Representative. The Governor's powers
and authority for the Program have been
redelegated by the Secretary to the Office of
Transportation Planning (Code Transportation Ar-
ticle, sees. 2-401 through 2-409).
David L. Winstead, Chairperson, 1991
Appointed by Governor (who also designates chair) with
advice of Secretary of Transportation: Horace T.
Alston, 1989; Louis R. O'Neill, 1990; Dorothy
H. Streaker, 1990; Alvin Akman, 1991; Raymond
E. Keeney, 1991; Patrick P. O'Malley, 1991; John
H. Mosner, Jr., 1992; Ronald N. Young, 1993;
one vacancy.
Ex officio (Regional Commissioners of State Roads
Commission): Jack Luskin, 1992; Thomas N.
Marudas, 1992; C. Robert Morrison, 1992;
Thomas G. Barton, 1993; Garner W. Duvall,
1993; W. Earl Griffin, 1993; Werner L. Gruber,
Jr., 1993.
Julianne Stoll, Secretary
EO. Box 8755
BWI Airport, MD 21240 859-7260
Formed in 1970, the Maryland Transportation
Commission studies the entire State transporta-
tion system (Chapter 526, Acts of 1970). It ad-
vises the Secretary of Transportation and
Department administrators on policy and
The Commission has seventeen members. Ten
are appointed for three-year terms by the Governor
with the advice of the Secretary ofTransportation.
The seven regional members of the State Roads
Commission serve ex officio. The Governor desig-
nates the chairperson (Code Transportation Ar-
ticle, sees. 2-201 through 2-205).