Pedro Sierra, Chairperson, 1993
Appointed by Governor: Jorge Du Breuil, 1991; Ana
Sol Gurierrez, 1991; Alba E. Robinson, 1991;
Marta Sotomayor, Ph.D., 1991; Xavier Ysern,
Ph.D., 1991; Juan Diez, 1992; Barrie Klaits, 1992;
Joe F. Lucero, 1992; Laura Kelscy Rhodes, 1992;
Eduardo Acevedo, 1993; Maria D. Carrion, 1993;
Ruben Gonzalez, 1993; William Stagg, 1993; one
Ex officio: Josephine Pizarro, designee of Secretary
of Health and Mental Hygiene; Jacqueline H.
Rogers, Secretary of Housing and Community
Development; Carolyn W. Colvin, Secretary of
Human Resources; Maria Torres Queral, designee
of State Superintendent of Schools; Robert A.
Rosenbush, Office of Planning.
Jose Ruiz, Executive Director
311 W Saratoga St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 333-2532
As the Commission on the Concerns of Spanish-
Speaking People, the Commission originally was
appointed by the Governor in 1971. It was
renamed the Governor's Commission on Hispanic
Affairs in 1978.
The Commission advises the Governor, the
General Assembly, and agencies within the Execu-
tive Department on matters relating to the Hispanic
peoples of Maryland. It works with the Hispanic
community, private groups, and agencies of State
and local government to serve and represent the
State's Hispanic people.
The Commission is comprised of twenty mem-
bers. Fifteen are appointed to three-year terms by
the Governor. Five serve ex officio.
Vacancy, Deputy Secretary/or Operations
The Deputy Secretary for Operations is respon-
sible for the major administrative and support func-
tions of the Department. Under the Deputy
Secretary are six offices: Budget and Finance, Ad-
ministrative Services, Information Management,
Personnel, Equal Opportunity, and Inspector
General. The Deputy Secretary also oversees the
Child Support Enforcement Administration.
Department of Human Resources/363
Margaret Sollenberger, Executive Director
Frank Traglia, Deputy Executive Director
300 W Saratoga St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 333-3981
The Child Support Enforcement Administration
provides child support services for families. Through
local departments of social services, State's
Attorneys' offices, courts, and other agencies, the
Administration locates absent parents, determines
paternity, establishes and enforces support orders,
and collects and disburses support payments.
Recipients of Aid to Families with Dependent
Children (AFDC) receive services at no charge and
are required to cooperate in order to secure sup-
port. After the first $50 collected each month is paid
to the family receiving Aid to Families with Depend-
ent Children, any further support collected is reim-
bursed to the State and federal governments for
public assistance paid to the family.
The Administration also provides services to
families who do not receive AFDC for a one-time fee
of $20 regardless of income. Collections made on
behalf of such families are paid in full to the family
The Executive Director is appointed by the
Secretary of Human Resources (Code Family Law
Article, sees. 10-106 through 10-117).
The Administration is comprised of the Bal-
timore City Bureau of Support Enforcement, and
two offices: Program Development and Manage-
ment, and Policy and Central Operations.
Lou Curry, Acting Director
Formerly under the Baltimore City Department of
Sodal Services, the Baltimore City Bureau of Support
Enforcement was transferred to the Child Support
Enforcement Administration on October 1,1990.
Joan Knight, Director
Created as the Field Operations Office in 1981, this
Office monitored operations of local child support
enforcement agencies. Renamed Office of Program
Management in 1990, it assumed responsibility for
local agency compliance reviews, technical assistance
to local agencies, and special projects. In 1991, the
Office received its present name and was expanded to
develop new program initiatives and implement staff
development and training.