360/Maryland Manual
Sandra Brown, Director
311 W Saratoga St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 333-0068
The Department of Human Resources ad-
ministers the Maryland Energy Assistance Program
(MEAP) through the Community Services Ad-
ministration. The Administration subcontracts with
twenty local agencies (departments of social ser-
vices, governments, and community action agen-
cies) and 450 energy suppliers to provide energy
assistance to eligible low-income people across the
Stare. Under the Program, vendors provide a com-
bination of fuel oil, electricity, gas (natural and/or
propane), wood, and coal to eligible householders
statewide. Eligibility for assistance is based on
household size, income, fuel type, and geographic
location. Those with the greatest need receive the
highest level of assistance. Benefits reflect a fixed
portion of average fuel consumption based on fuel
type. They range from 32 to 85 percent of average
consumption. Heating assistance is offered to
eligible renters, roomers, boarders, and home-
owners. Maryland is the first state to offer this aid
to shelters for battered spouses and the homeless.
The Program also offers Emergency Energy As-
sistance to householders certified eligible for
regular MEAP benefits. Provided on a one-time-
only basis, this assistance is for fuel deliveries, utility
cut-offs, emergency repairs, blankets, emergency
space heaters, or emergency shelter. It may not
exceed $180. Benefits provided are paid direcdy to
energy vendors selected by die eligible household.
Vendors deliver fuel to a household until the
family's benefit amount is exhausted. Vendors who
participate in the Program do so under contract
with the State.
Mel Ginsburg, Director
311 W Saratoga St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 333-0260
The Temporary Emergency Food Assistance
Program began in 1983 and was moved to the
Department of Human Resources in January 1988.
The Program distributes donated food to needy
households to relieve situations of emergency and
distress. To reduce surplus federal commodity in-
ventories, commodities are distributed quarterly to
local emergency food organizations for mass dis-
tribution and for local emergency food pantries to
serve distressed households. Eligibility for assis-
tance is based on income and household size or
prior certification in any of the following programs:
Food Scamps, Medical Assistance, Public Assis-
tance, or Maryland Energy Assistance.
Harriet Goldman, Director
311W Saratoga St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 333-0150
Widiin the Community Services Administra-
tion, the Governor established the Homeless Ser-
vices Program in 1984 (Chapter 777, Acts of
1984). The Program provides crisis and transition
shelter, food, and services to homeless people
(Code 1957, Art. 88A, sees. 131-133).
Linda Morganstein, Chairperson^ 1991
Appointed by Governor: Charlene E. Brisco;
Kathleen Joy Horvath; Rev. J. William McNally;
Joanne Selinske; Leo Francis Smith; Howard W.
Stone, Jr.; one vacancy. Terms expire 1991.
Fredericka Danielus; Linda Eisenberg; Christine E.
Felker; Jane Harrison; Cheryl Moyer-Walkley;
Christine Hughes Poulsen; Carol Pridgen Saucier;
Ronald D. Wynne, Ph.D. Terms expire 1992.
Staff: Susan Seling 333-0276
The Advisory Board of the Shelter, Nutrition,
and Services Program for Homeless Individuals was
created in 1984 (Chapter 777, Acts of 1984). In
1988, it became known as the Governor's Advisory
Board on Homclessness. The Board coordinates
the Homeless Services Program.
Appointed by the Governor, the Board consists
of sixteen members who serve two-year terms
(Code 1957, Art. 88A, sees. 134-137).
David M. Paige, M.D., Chairperson, 1991
Appointed by Governor: Darlene D. Flaherry, R.D.,
M.P.H., 1989; Katherine M. Chin, 1990; Melanie
D. Gibson, 1990; Mary T. Goodwin, 1990;
Yvonne Bronner, Sc.D., 1991; two vacancies.
Designated by Senate President: Michael J. Wagner
Designated by House Speaker: James W. Campbell
Ex officio: Vacancy, Dept. of Health & Mental
Hygiene; Elizabeth Bobo, Deputy Secretary for
Programs, Dept. of Human Resources; Raymond
Brown, State Dept. of Education; Rosalie S.
Abrams, Director on Aging.
Staff: Mary E. Fields
The State Advisory Council on Nutrition was
created by the Governor in 1985 (Executive Order
01.01.1985.35). The Governor reconstituted the