322/Maryland Manual
Debra Schointuch, Chairperson, 1993
Appointed by Governor with advice of Secretary of
Health ^Mental Hygiene: David B. Hershenson,
Ph.D., 1991; Gwendolyn M. dark, 1992; Shirley
Clark, 1992; George Lassen, Ph.D., 1993; one
4201 Patterson Ave., Room 310
Baltimore, MD 21215-2299 764-4732
The State Board of Examiners of Professional
Counselors originated in 1985 (Chapter 734, Acts
of 1985). The Board certifies professional coun-
selors and regulates professional counseling services
within the State.
With the advice of the Secretary of Health and
Mental Hygiene, the Governor appoints the
Board's six members. Five members are certified
professional counselors. The sixth member is a con-
sumer who is not trained as a professional counselor
nor has participated in a related field, and has no
substantial financial interest in a person regulated
by the Board. The consumer member may not have
a household member who is a professional coun-
selor or in training to become one. Nor may a
member of the consumer's household participate in
a related field. Members serve three-year terms.
Authorization for the Board continues until July 1,
1994 (Code Health Occupations Article, sees.
15.5-101 through 15.5-502).
Vacancy, Chairperson
Appointed by Governor with advice of Secretary of
Health & Mental Hygiene and with Senate advice &
consent: Gregory C. Helweg, Ph.D., 1991; Barbara S.
Knox, Ph.D., 1991; Lawrence Donner, Ph.D., 1992;
Hemant Negandhi, 1992; Althea M. I. Wagman,
Ph.D., 1992; Barbara H. Saidel, Ph.D., 1993.
Roslyn Blankman, Administrator
4201 Patterson Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21215-2299 764-4787
The practice of psychology in Maryland is
regulated by the State Board of Examiners of
Psychologists. Established in 1957, the Board
evaluates the qualifications of psychologists in the
State and issues licenses to those who fulfill the
requirements (Chapter 748, Acts of 1957). Licen-
ses must be renewed biennially The Board ad-
ministers examinations to qualified applicants for
licensing twice each year.
The Board consists of six members appointed by
the Governor with the advice of rhe Secretary of
Health and Mental Hygiene and Senate advice and
consent. Five are psychologists nominated by the
Maryland Psychological Association. The sixth
member is a consumer. Board members serve three-
year terms. Authorization for the Board continues
until July 1, 1993 (Code Health Occupations Ar-
ticle, sees. 16-201 through 16-502).
Richard W. Stanzione, Chairperson, 1991
Appointed by Governor with advice of Secretary of
Health & Mental Hygiene (consumer member also
appointed with Senate advice & consent): Ann
Aukamp, 1992; Florence Gundy Henderson,
1992; June Collier, 1993; Mary-Beth Smith, 1993.
Harold G. Gordon, Administrator
4201 Patterson Ave.
Battimore, MD 21215-2299 764-4788
The State Board of Social Work Examiners was
formed in 1975 (Chapter 453, Acts of 1975). The
Board issues licenses to social work associates,
graduate social workers, and certified social
workers. Under certain conditions the Board may
take disciplinary measures to reprimand, suspend,
revoke, or refuse to renew the license of a licensee.
The Board's five members are appointed by the
Governor for three-year terms. Four members must
be licensed sodal workers. One member is a consumer
appointed on recommendation of the Secretary of
Health and Mental Hygiene with Senate advice and
consent. The consumer member cannot have training
as a social worker or have a financial interest in a related
field. Authorization for the Board continues until July
1,1994 (Code Health Occupations Article, sees. 18-
201 through 18-502).
John M. Sloan, Chairperson, 1992
Appointed by Governor with advice of Secretary of
Health & Mental Hygiene (consumer member also
appointed with Senate advice & consent): Gloria P.
Claybaugh, 1991; Sue A. Brown, 1992; Harry
CancreU, M.D., 1994; James H. Kilkenny, Ph.D.,
1995; M. Barbara Laufer, Ph.D., 1995.
4201 Patterson Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21215-2299 764-4725
The State Board of Examiners for Speech-Lan-
guage Pathologiscs began as the Board of Ex-
aminers for Speech Radiologists in 1972 (Chapter
547, Acts of 1972). The Board was renamed in
1987 (Chapter 478, Acts of 1987). The Board
evaluates the qualifications of speech pathologists
in Maryland and issues licenses to those who qualify.
Licenses are renewed every two years.
The Board consists of six members appointed to
five-year terms by the Governor upon recommenda-