Delano Tucker, Ed.D.; one vacancy. Terms expire
Linda VanderhofF, Executive Director
4201 Patterson Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21215-2299 764-2965
The State Commission on Physical Fitness was
created in 1963 (Chapter 606, Acts of 1963). The
Commission works to protect and improve the
physical fitness of Marylanders. It disseminates in-
formation about physical fitness, and collects and
assembles information from State departments and
agencies. To further its work, the Commission
maintains liaison with the State Department of
Education, local boards of education, private and
parochial schools, and local physical fitness com-
The Commission consists of twenty-five mem-
bers appointed by the Governor with the advice of
the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene. Mem-
bers serve four-year terms and are chosen for their
interest or experience in physical fitness for both
youth and adults. The Governor designates the
chairperson. The Secretary of Health and Mental
Hygiene appoints the executive director.
In each county and the City of Baltimore, the
Governor also appoints a local physical fitness com-
mission, composed of fifteen to twenty-five local
residents. The Secretary of Health and Mental
Hygiene designates the chairperson of each local
commission (Code Health—General Article, sees.
13-401 through 13-412).
Charles M. Dilla, P.T., Chairperson, 1994
Appointed by Governor with advice of Secretary of
Health & Mental Hygiene (consumer members also
appointed with Senate advice & consent): Judith A.
Schank, 1991; Carol A. Hamilton, 1992; Marilyn
G. Booher, P.T., 1993; William D. Hodges, P.T.,
1994; Jerry 0. Pittman, 1995; one vacancy.
Ann E. Tyminski, Executive Director
4201 Patterson Ave., Room 316
Baltimore, MD 21215-2299 764-4752
Authorized in 1947, the State Board of Physical
Therapy Examiners examines and licenses physical
therapists and physical therapist assistants to prac-
tice in Maryland (Chapter 606, Acts of 1947). The
Board also makes rules and regulations governing
the denial, suspension, and revocation of licenses.
The Board's seven members are appointed to
five-year terms by the Governor with the advice of
the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene. Five
are licensed physical therapists; of these, at least
four must be engaged primarily in the clinical prac-
tice of physical therapy. Each physical therapist
Department of Health 6-Mental Hygiene/321
member musr be engaged in the profession of physi-
cal therapy in Maryland and, immediately prior to
appointment, must have at least five years ex-
perience in physical therapy administration, educa-
tion, practice, or research. Physical therapist
members are nominated by the American Physical
Therapy Association of Maryland. Two consumer
members are appointed with Senate advice and
consent. The consumer member cannot have had
training as a physical therapist or have a financial
interest in a related field. Authorization for the
Board continues until July 1, 2002 (Code Health
Occupations Article, sees. 13-101 through 13-
John S. Freid, D.P.M., President, 1991
Appointed by Governor with advice of Secretary of
Health & Mental Hygiene (consumer member also
appointed with Senate advice & consent): Marc D.
Lenet, D.P.M., 1992; Mary E. Claybaum-Rock,
1993; Michael H. Feinstein, 1993; Lawrence D.
Block, D.P.M., 1994; Joseph S. Werner, D.P.M.,
1995; one vacancy.
Charlotte Sullivan, Administrator
4201 Patterson Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21215-2299 764-4785
The State Board ofPodiatric Medical Examiners
was created in 1916 as the State Board of
Chiropody Examiners (Chapter 173, Acts of
1916). In 1965, it became the State Board of
Podiatry Examiners (Chapter 416, Acts of 1965).
The Board was renamed the State Board of
Podiarric Medical Examiners in 1986 (Chapter 243,
Acts of 1986).
The Board examines all persons who wish to
practice podiatry in the State. Examinations, which
may be written, oral, or practical, are given twice
yearly Applicants must have at least two years of
education in a recognized college of arts and scien-
ces and be graduates of a college of podiatric
medicine recognized by the American Podiatric
Medical Association. The Board biennially licenses
podiatrists in active practice within the State. The
Board may, after a hearing, revoke the license of any
podiatrist charged with malpractice or unethical
The Board consists of seven members appointed
by the Governor with the advice of the Secretary of
Health and Mental Hygiene. Eve are licensed
podiatrists nominated by the Maryland Podiatric
Medical Association. Two are consumers appointed
with Senate advice and consent. Members serve
five-year terms. Authorization for the Board
continues until July 1, 2002 (Code Health Occupa-
tions Article, sees. 15-101 through 15-602).