254/Maryland Manual
The Board has eleven members. Eight are ap-
pointed by the Governor to represent one or more
of the following constituencies: municipal govern-
ment, county government, sanitary or metropolitan
commissions, the Department of Natural Resour-
ces, waterworks supervision, wastewater or in-
dustrial wastewater works supervision, and
agriculture. Three are appointed by the Secretary of
the Environment. They include one engineer repre-
sentative from the Department of the Environment
and two public members. Members serve four-year
terms, except for the Department of the Environ-
ment representative who serves at the pleasure of
the Secretary Authorization for the Board con-
tinues until July 1, 1993 (Code Environment Ar-
ticle, sees. 12-101 through 12-602).
Estelle G. Cohen, Chairperson, 1992
Appointed by Governor with advice of Secretary of the
Environment and Senate advice &consent: Robert K.
Ardinger; George F. Easterday; Jane C.
Gottfredson; Kenward H. McKinney; Donald S.
Newnam; Larry Lee Wooster. Terms expire 1992.
Willie Everett, Executive Director
2500 Broening Highway
Baltimore, MD 21224 631-3168
The State Board of Well Drillers was created in
1968 (Chapter 584, Acts of 1968). It was transferred
to the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene in
1980 (Executive Order01.01.1980.04). In 1987, the
Board was placed under the Department of die En-
vironment (Chapter 306, Acts of 1987).
The Board licenses well drillers in the following
categories: master well driller; journeyman well
driller; apprentice well driller; apprentice pump in-
staller; apprentice water conditioning installer; and
well rig operator. All licensed individuals must meet
statutory requirements for insurance and bonding.
When the Board receives complaints against well
drillers, it holds hearings and may revoke or suspend
licenses for violation of Board rules and regulations.
Any rule or regulation concerning the drilling of wells
proposed by the Department of the Environment
must be referred to the Board for comment.
The Board consists of seven members who serve
two-year terms. They are appointed by the Gover-
nor with die advice of the Secretary of the Environ-
ment and Senate advice and consent One member
each represents the Eastern Shore, Central
Maryland and Baltimore City, Southern Maryland,
and Western Maryland. Regional members must be
licensed master well drillers, actively engaged in the
well drilling business in the State at the time of
appointment. Of the remaining three members, one
represents the public at large and serves as Board
chairperson; one represents the Department of
Natural Resources; and one the Department of the
Environment. Authorization for the Board con-
tinues until July 1, 2001 (Code Environment Ar-
ticle, sees. 13-101 through 13-602).
Maria Markham Thompson, Director
2500 Broening Highway
Baltimore, MD 21224 631-3775
The Director ofHnance and Administration over-
sees the Maryland Water Quality Financing Ad-
ministration and four divisions: Budget and Grants,
Fiscal Services, Audit, and Program Analysis and
Review. All federal funds are administered by the
Vacancy, Administrator
The Maryland Water Quality Financing Ad-
ministration was created in 1988 (Chapter 535,
Acts of 1988). The Administration maintains and
administers the Maryland Water Quality Revolving
Loan Fund. Through the Fund, local governments
may secure financial assistance for wastewater treat-
ment facilities in accordance with Title VI of the
federal Clean Water Act of 1987 (EL. 100-4). The
Fund finances loans to local governments for con-
struction projects to abate and control water pollu-
tion and thereby improve water quality. Loans trom
the Fund may be used to buy or refinance debt
obligations of local governments. They also may
help guarantee or purchase insurance for bonds,
notes or other evidences of obligation issued by a
local government (Code Environment Article, sees.
9-1601 through 9-1622).
George P. Ferreri, Director
2500 Broening Highway
Baltimore, MD 21224 631-3255
Formerly under the Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene, the Air Management Administra-
tion was transferred to the Department of the En-
vironment in 1987 (Chapter 306, Acts of 1987).
The Administration develops and implements
programs for cleaner air. To this end, the Ad-
ministration monitors ambient pollutant levels of
air across the State and devises plans to achieve and
maintain air quality standards. To control air emis-
sions, the Administration makes and enforces