Appointed by the Governor with Senate advice
and consent, the Secretary of the Environment
heads the Department. The Secretary appoints the
Deputy Secretary with the Governor's approval.
In addition to administrative responsibilities,
the Secretary of the Environment (or the
Secretary's designee) is authorized to subpoena
any person or evidence, administer oaths, and take
depositions and other testimony The Secretary
also is responsible for investigating the influence
of locality, employment, habit, and other condi-
tions on health and for researching the causes of
diseases and mortality, to the extent that they
may relate to environmental factors. To obtain
information about cancers caused by carcinogens
and toxic substances and the incidence of these
diseases, the Secretary may institute studies.
Richard F. Pecora, Assistant Secretary
The Assistant Secretary coordinates the
development and implementation of policies, pro-
cedures, and regulations to ensure that programs
and services within the Department serve environ-
mental needs. The Assistant Secretary also oversees
three licensing boards: the State Board of Environ-
mental Sanitarians; the State Board of Waterworks
and Waste Systems Operators; and the State Board
of Well Drillers.
Robert L. Stephens, Chairperson^ 1992
Appointed by Governor with advice of Secretary of the
Environment and Senate advice & consent: Rev.
Herbert P. Clough, 1991; Steven P. Witt, 1991;
Susan Guyaux, 1993; Rodney B. Glotfelcy, 1994;
Patricia A. Schwaninger, 1994; Robert J. Hunter,
1995; Douglas H. John, 1995; E. Michael Kasnia,
Deidre ]ohnson, Administrator
2500 Broening Highway
Baltimore, MD 21224 631-3168
The State Board of Environmental Sanitarians was
created in 1969 as the Board of Sanitarian Registration
(Chapter 434, Acts of 1969). In 1984, the Board was
renamed as the State Board of Environmental
Sanitarian Registration (Chapter 560, Acts of 1984).
Formerly under the Department of Health and Men-
tal Hygiene, the Board became part of the Depart-
ment of the Environment in 1987 (Chapter 306, Acts
of 1987). In 1989, the Board received its present
name (Chapter 151, Acts of 1989).
Registered environmental sanitarians conduct
inspections and investigations to promote and
maintain environmental health and secure com-
pliance with public health laws and regulations.
Their work concerns the effects of the environment
on public health. They inspect and investigate the
manufacture, preparation, handling, distribution,
or sale of food and milk; water supply and treat-
ment; wastewater treatment and disposal; solid
waste management and disposal; vector control;
insect and rodent control; air quality; noise control;
product safety; recreational sanitation; and institu-
tional and residential sanitation. The Board licenses
applicants who qualify as registered environmental
sanitarians. The Board also issues certificates of
eligibility to applicants awaiting examination.
The Board consists of nine members appointed
to five-year terms by the Governor upon recom-
mendation of the Secretary of the Environment and
with Senate advice and consent. Seven members are
registered environmental sanitarians, and two
members are consumers not trained as registered
environmental sanitarians and without financial in-
terest in a related field. Authorization for the Board
continues until July 1, 1993 (Code Environment
Article, sees. 11-101 through 11-502).
Dane S. Bauer, Chairperson, 1994
Appointed by Governor with Senate advice & consent:
Norman R. Connell, 1991; James Allen Stewart,
1992; Susan Weber, 1993; Franklin E. Jamerson,
1994; Robert T. Mohr, 1994; Joseph Streckfus,
1994; Frederick Streett, 1994.
Appointed by Secretary of the Environment: Edith T.
Walker, 1990; Oktay M. Ertugrul, Dept. of the
Environment; one vacancy.
Oktay M- Ertugrul, Secretary
2500 Broening Highway
Baltimore, MD 21224 631-3170
The State Board of Waterworks and Waste Sys-
tems Operators was created in 1967 (Chapter 430,
Acts of 1967). The Board was transferred from the
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to the
Department of the Environment in 1987 (Chapter
306, Acts of 1987),
The Board certifies superintendents and
operators of waterworks and waste systems to
protect the public health and prevent pollution.
The Board evaluates applications, prepares and
authorizes examinations, and issues certificates to
qualified persons.