John C. DuChez II, Chief
Attman-Glazer Building
45 Calvert St.
Annapolis, MD 21401-1985 974-2191
The Division of Management Analysis and
Audits conducts management studies, performance
audits, and program analyses of the various State
agencies and programs. It oversees the State Travel
Management Office and the State Fleet Manage-
ment Unit. In addition, the Division provides tech-
nical assistance to State agencies in management,
planning, program evaluation, and systems
development (Code Stare Finance and Procure-
ment Article, sees. 7-101 through 7-121, sees. 3-
501 through 3-503).
Department of Budget & Fiscal Planmng/207
Neil Bergsman, Director
301 W Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 225-4530
In 1989, responsibilities for capital budgeting
were transferred from the Office of Capital Budget-
ing within the Department of State Planning to the
newly formed Division of Capital Programs in the
Department of Budget and Fiscal Planning (Chap-
ter 540, Acts of 1989). The Division received its
present name in 1990.
The Division prepares the Governor's Annual
Capital Budget (exclusive of most transportation
facilities) and develops the Five-fear Capital Im-
provements Program. The Division inspects sites,
holds hearings, and prepares testimony for the
General Assembly on all capital projects. It coor-
dinates the purchase of all capital equipment for
Stare agencies. Planning for the construction of the
State system of Multi-Service Centers and District
Courts is also coordinated by the Division.
The Division provides technical assistance to
State agencies in preparing master plans and studies
the feasibility and need for certain State facilities.
The Division also provides planning support to the
Interagency Committee on School Construction.