Egg Inspection, and Grain Laws. The Office also
includes the Agricultural Statistics Service, the
Maryland Agricultural Fair Board, the Maryland
Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation, the
Maryland State Apple Commission, and the Tobac-
co Authority
M. Bruce West, State Statistician
The Agricultural Statistics Service originated as
the Statistical Reporting Service in the mid-19th
century and received its present name in 1986.
The Service collects, summarizes, and publishes
data relating to the production and marketing of
agricultural products, agriculture prices and in-
come, and other statistics pertinent to agriculture
and agribusiness. State statistics generally are avail-
able for acreage, yield, and production of major field
crops, vegetables, fruits, livestock, and poultry; and
monthly and seasonal or annual average prices,
farm expenditures, and labor. For some com-
modities the Service also compiles county statistics.
The Service also issues the following publications:
Maryland Agricultural Statistics (annually)
Maryland Agri-Facts (bi-monthly)
Weekly Delmarva Broiler Report
Weekly Crop and Weather Report
Vacancy, Chief
The Marketing Services Section provides
programs and services to help all segments of the
economy—from producer to consumer—through
the market system. Programs include market im-
provement projects to enhance quality and presen-
tation of agricultural commodities to the consumer;
international marketing; marker news and statistics
services in conjunction with the U.S. Department
of Agriculture; and an active consumer marketing
information program (Code Agriculture Article,
sees. 10-101 through 10-204; 10-501 through 10-
504; 10-601 through 10-606; 10-701 through
10-708; 10-801 through 10-807; 10-901 through
10-909). The Section also compiles the following
Choose & Cut Christmas Tree Directory
Grain and Livestock (weekly)
Maryland fresh Fruits and Vegetables Users Guide
Maryland Hay and Straw Directory
Maryland Retail Farmers' Market Directory
Maryland Tobacco Report (radio tape—in season)
Pick-Tour-Own Fruit and Vegetable Directory
Wholesale Directory—Maryland Christmas Tree
Department ofAgriculture/197
F. William Sieling, Chief
Formerly under the Department of Economic
and Community Development, the Office of
Seafood Marketing was transferred to the Depart-
ment of Agriculture as Seafood Marketing Services
in 1987. It was renamed Seafood Marketing Section
in 1988. The Section promotes increased distribu-
tion and consumption of Maryland seafood. It also
seeks efficient methods to reduce cost and improve
the quality and marketability of seafood.
William R. Woodfield, Jr., Chairperson, 1993
Appointed by Governor with Senate advice & consent
(8 members appointed with advice of Secretary of
Agriculture): Douglas C. Burdette, Jr., 1991; Levin
F. HarrisonIII, 1991; Judith Ridinger Pugh, 1991;
Robert BrettMeyers, 1992; Andrew Todd Tolley,
1992; Nancy Devine, 1993; William C. King III,
1993; George O'Donnell, 1993; A. Arthur Oerrel,
1994; Joseph Sadler, 1994; one vacancy.
Ex officio: F. William Sieling, designee of Secretary
of Agriculture; W. Peter Jensen, designee of
Secretary of Natural Resources.
In 1987, the Seafood Marketing Advisory Com-
mission was created within the Department of
Agriculture (Chapter 308, Acts of 1987). The
Commission assists the Seafood Marketing Section.
The Commission has thirteen members. The
Governor appoints eleven members with Senate
advice and consent and eight members with the
advice of the Secretary of Agriculture. The Secretary
of Agriculture or designee, and the Secretary of
Natural Resources or designee are nonvoring ex
officio members. Members serve four-year terms
(Code Agriculture Article, sec. 10-1101).
Thomas 0. Meredith, Jr., Administrator
The Grading Services and Egg Inspection Sec-
tion inspects and grades fruits, vegetables, grain,
soybeans, and poultry at their production sites.
Graders follow U.S. Department of Agriculture
grading regulations and affix federal grading stamps
to produces that meet quality standards (Code
Agriculture Article, sees. 10-501 through 10-909).
The Section is responsible for the quality of eggs
produced, distributed, and sold in Maryland. The
Salmonella Enteriditis Program, enforced by the
Section, requires that all eggs sold in Maryland must
come from flocks of chickens which have been