196/Maryland Manual
A. Cleveland Brown, V.M.D., President, 1994
Appointed by Governor with Senate advice & consent:
Helen R. Remsburg, 1991; HansJ. Phillips, 1992;
Joseph R. McCrea, D.V.M., 1993; William H.
Carr, V.M.D., 1994; Sandra 0. Karn, D.V.M.,
1994; Melvin D. Howard, D.V.M., 1995.
Beverly Raymond, Inspector
50 Harry S Truman Parkway
Annapolis, MD 21401 841-5862
The State Board of Veterinary Medical Ex-
aminers was formed in 1894 (Chapter 273, Acts of
1894). The Board examines candidates for licenses
to practice veterinary medicine in the State and
judges their qualifications. It registers veterinarians
annually inspects veterinary hospitals, and may
conduct hearings and pass upon complaints of il-
legal or unethical practices or sanitarian require-
ments. Court proceedings may be instituted by the
Board against persons engaged in illegal practices.
The Board is composed of seven members. They
are appointed by the Governor with Senate advice
and consent for five-year terms. Each appointment
is made from a list of at least three names per
vacancy submitted to the Governor by the
Secretary of Agriculture. Five members are licensed
and registered veterinarians who have engaged in
active practice for five years. Of the five members,
two must have practices devoted predominandy to
large animals. Two members of the Board must not
be veterinarians. Audiorization for the Board con-
tinues until July 1, 2001 (Code Agriculture Article,
sees. 2-301 through 2-313).
Victor I. Sorgen, D.V.M., Chairperson
Appointed by State Board of Veterinary Medical
Examiners with approval of Secretary of Agriculture:
John R. Brooks, D.V.M.; Paul F. Deal, D.V.M.;
Edward W. Jendrek, D.V.M.; Anne Lehman; Jack
Stewarr; John D. Strandbcrg, D.V.M.
In 1984, the Veterinary Technician Committee
was organized as part of the State Board of Veteri-
nary Medical Examiners (Chapter 640, Acts of
1984). Subject to the Board's approval, the Com-
mittee registers and regulates veterinary tech-
nicians. It determines the qualifications for
applicants, recommends the content and form of
examinations, and establishes continuing education
requirements for veterinary technicians. The Com-
mittee also defines duties and responsibilities of
registered veterinary technicians.
The Committee consists of seven members ap-
pointed by the State Board of Veterinary Medical
Examiners, subject to the approval of the Secretary
of Agriculture.
Virginia B. Thackeray, Chairperson, 1992
Appointed by Governor with advice of Secretary of
Agriculture: Abner League, 1992; James Pelura III,
D.V.M., 1992; Carol E. Hackney, 1993; Judith E.
McGaughan, 1993.
Robin Miller, Inspector
50 Harry S Truman Parkway
Annapolis, MD 21401 841-5861
Created in 1968, the Board of Inspection of
Horse Riding Stables was transferred from the
Department of Licensing and Regulation to the
Department of Agriculture in 1980 (Chapter 474,
Acts of 1968; Chapter 618, Acts of 1980). The
Board licenses all horse riding stables where one or
more horses or ponies are let for hire to be ridden
or driven. It also licenses establishments that stable
five or more horses for pay sales barns, and establish-
ments where annually five or more horses are sold.
With the approval of the Secretary of Agricul-
ture, die Board may appoint a qualified inspector
and designate officers of county humane societies,
societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals,
and licensed veterinarians to act as its agents and
make inspections.
The Board consists of five members appointed
to four-year terms by the Governor with the advice
of the Secretary of Agriculture. One member is a
licensed veterinarian, two are officers of county
humane societies, one is an owner of a licensed
stable, and one is a public member. Authorization
for the Board continues until July 1, 2001 (Code
Agriculture Article, sees. 2-701 through 2-719).
Ralph H. Hemphill, Director
50 Harry S Truman Parkway
Annapolis, MD 21401 841-5770
In 1987, the Office of Agricultural Develop-
ment and Resource Conservation was renamed the
Office of Marketing and Agricultural Development.
Service oriented, the Office assists and supports the
agricultural community in marketing; product
promotion; land preservation; and control of
agriculturally related, nonpoint source pollution.
Within the Office are four sections: Marketing
Services, Seafood Marketing, Grading Services and