118/Maryland Manual
CORNELL N. DYPSKI, Democrat, District 46. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, Septem-
ber 23, 1931. Baltimore Polytechnic Institute; University of Baltimore. Administrative
officer. Motor Vehicle Administration. Recipient of numerous community and veterans
citations. Recipient for four years, Community Service Award for work as a chairman of
United Charity Campaign. Married; one son. Member of the Senate, 1975-83. Member,
Constitutional and Public Law Committee; Election Laws Task Force. Co-Chairman,
Legislative Committee on Port of Maryland. Member of the House of Delegates since 1987.
Member, Judiciary Committee, 1990—. Former member, Environmental Matters Com-
mittee. District office: 638 S. Decker Ave., Baltimore 21224. Annapolis office: 316 Lowe
House Office Bidg., 21401-1991; tel. 841-3303.
GEORGE C. EDWARDS, Republican, District 1A. Born in Grantsville, Maryland, April
9, 1948. Northern High School, Accident; Fairmont State College, B.S. (business ad-
ministration), cum laude, 1970; Frostburg State College, teacher certification, 1971-74.
Former teacher. Served in Maryland National Guard, 1970-76. Member, Grantsville Town
Council, 1972-74,1980-82. Member, Garrctt County Board of County Commissioners,
1974-78. Member, Garrett County Development Corporation, 1974—; Legislative Com-
mittee, Maryland Association of Counties, 1975-78. Member, National Rifle Association;
Vietnam Veterans Association; American Legion; Lonacomng Republican Club; associate
member, FOP Lodge 40. Member, PTA; Lions Club (president, 1982-83). Drafted by
Baltimore Colts, 1970; NAIA Football All-American Fullback. Member, St. Paul's United
Methodist Church. Married; two children. Member of the House of Delegates since 1983.
Member, Appropriations Committee (subcommittee on health and the environment),
1983—. Chairperson, Garrett County Delegation. District office: P.O. Box 8, Grantsville
21536; tel. 895-5720, 746-5831. Annapolis office: 411 Lowe House Office Bidg.,
21401-1991; tel. 841-3435.
ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Republican, District 10. Born in Baltimore, Maryland,
November 25, 1957. Gilman School; Princeton University, B.A., 1979; Wake Forest
University School of Law, J.D., 1982. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1983. Member,
American, Maryland State, Baltimore City and District of Columbia Bar Associations.
Member, Exchange Club of Towson; Board of Directors, Exchange Club Center of
Maryland; Chesapcake Bay Foundation; Baltimore County Chamber of Commerce;
executive committee, Princeton University Alumni Association of Maryland; Fellowship of
Christian Athletes, 1976-79. Single. Member of the House of Delegates since 1987.
Member, Judiciary Committee; Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics; Tort and Insurance
Reform Oversight Committee. Member, Governor's Council on Child Abuse and Neglect;
Maryland Juvenile Justice Advisory Council. District office: 201 Old Padonia Rd., Cock-
eysville 21030; tel. 628-1371. Annapolis office: 309 Lowe House Office Bidg., 21401-
1991; tel. 841-3350.
DONALD B. ELLIOTT, Republican, District 4B. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, October
18,1931. Kenwood High School, Baltimore County; University of Maryland School of
Pharmacy, B.S., 1957. Attended St. John's University, New York, for additional study in
pharmaceutical chemistry. Served in U .S. Navy; Corpsman 2nd class. Navy Hospital Corps,
1951-55; Lieutenant, 1959-63; Naval Reserve, 1963-71; presently LCDR (retired).
Member, New Windsor Planning Board, one year; New Windsor Zoning Appeals Board,
five years. Married; three children. Member of the House of Delegates since 1987. Member,
Environmental Matters Committee, 1987—; Joint Committee on Health Care Cost
Containment. Member, Governor's Task Force on Solid Waste Management, 1988.
Member, Governor's Task Force on Indoor Air Quality, 1989. District office: Box 370,
204 Lambert Ave., New Windsor 21776; tel. 848-5373 or 875-4026. Annapolis office:
306 Lowe House Office Bidg., 21401-1991; tel. 841-3371.