RICHARD N. DIXON, Democrat, District 5A. Born on April 17,1938. Graduate of
Robert Moton School, Westminster; Morgan State College, B.S., 1960, M.B.A., 1975.
Assistant Vice-President, Men-ill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc. Served in U.S. Army,
1960-68, with rank of captain; one and one-half years in 101st Airborne; received Bronze
Star in Vietnam. Member, Carroll County Board of Education, 1970-78 (president,
1975-77). Trustee, Commission on Secondary Schools, Middle States Association of
Colleges and Schools. Member, Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association. Member, VFW;
National Rifle Association; The Boule Fraternity. Life member. Kappa Alpha Psi Frater-
nity. President, Former Students of Robert Moton School, Inc. Honorary Doctor of Laws,
Western Maryland College, 1988. Married; two children. Member of the House of
Delegates since 1983. Member, Appropriations Committee, 1983—. House Chairman,
Joint Budget and Audit Committee. House Chairman, Special Joint Committee on
Pensions. Member, Rules and Executive Nominations Committee; Special Joint Commit-
tee on Energy Pricing. District office: 1224 Western Chapel Rd., New Wmdsor 21776;
tel. 848-6943. Annapolis office: 306 Lowe House Office Bidg., 21401-1991; tel. 841-
JOHN P. DONOGHUE, Democrat, District 2C. Born in New York, N.Y., May 24,
1957. St. Maria Goretti High School, Hagerstown; Catholic University of America, B.A.,
1981. Stockbroker, Wheat First Securities, Inc. Member, Hagerstown City Council,
1989-90. Past President, Washington County Unit, American Cancer Society. Married;
three children. Member of the House of Delegates since 1991. Member, Economic Matters
Committee, 1991—. District office: 49 Summit Ave., Hagerstown 21740; tel. 790-3780.
Annapolis office: 422 Lowe House Office Bidg., 21401-1991; tel. 841-3447.
ANN MARIE DOORY, Democrat, District 43. Born in Yonkcrs, New York, August
19, 1954. St. Mary's Academy, Leonardtown, 1972; Towson State University, B.A.
(political science), 1976; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1979. Attorney.
Member, Maryland State and Women's Bar Associations. Student member. Board of
Trustees of the State Universities and Colleges, 1976. Former counsel to Majority Leader,
State Senate, 1981. Elected member. Democratic State Central Committee, Baltimore
City, 1982. Member, Mayor's AIDS Advisory Council, Baltimore City, 1988—. Member,
Board of Directors, York Road Planning Area Committee, Inc., 1982—. Volunteer
arbitrator. Better Business Bureau, Baltimore, 1984-86. Vice-President and member,
Board of Directors, Homeland Association, Baltimore, 1982—. Member, League of
Women Voters. Board of Directors, Harford Belair Community Mental Health Center,
Inc., 1986—, Board of Directors, Towson State University Association, 1984—; Advisory
Committee, University of Baltimore School of Law, 1988—. Mamed; two children.
Member of the House of Delegates since 1987, Member, Economic Matters Committee;
Joint Subcommittee on Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund. Legislative Chair, Women's
Caucus. District office: 112TaplowRd., Baltimore 21212, tel. 323-0401. Annapolis office:
321 Lowe House Office Bidg., 21401-1991; tel. 841-3308.
JOHN W. DOUGLASS, Democrat, District 45. Born in Princess Anne, Somerset
County, Maryland, March 19,1942. Lincoln University, A.B., cum laude, 1964; The Johns
Hopkins University, M.A., 1966. General contractor; former insurance broker and instruc-
tor. Industrial consultant. Clerk, Baltimore City Council, 1967-68. Recipient of many
fellowships and awards. Member and past president, American Chemical Society. Past
president. Business Men's League of Baltimore; Beta Kappa Chi. Member, Associated
Builders and Contractors; Baltimore Chamber of Commerce; Business Opportunities
Administration. Member, Mt. Royal Democratic Club; New Democratic Club; New
Democratic Coalition; Young Democrats of Maryland. Vice-President, Eastside
Democratic Organization. Member, Model Cities Program; Alpha Phi Alpha; Adjacent
Neighborhood Improvements Association. Member of the House of Delegates since 1971.
Member, Appropriations Committee; Spending Affordability Committee. Former House
Chairman, Joint Budget and Audit Committee. District office: 1535 E. North Ave.,
Baltimore 21213; tel. 752-6653. Annapolis office: 323 Lowe House Office Bidg., 21401-
1991; tel. 841-3325.