102/ Maryland Manual
FREDERICK C. MALKUS, JR., Democrat, District 37. Born in Baltimore, Maryland,
July 1, 1913. Attended Dorchester County public schools; Western Maryland College,
A.B., 1934; University of Maryland School of Law, LL.B., 1938. Served with U.S. Army
during World War II. Trustee, Western Maryland College. Married. Member of House of
Delegates, 1947-51. Member of the Senate since 1951. Chairman, Judicial Proceedings
Committee, 1955-66. Member of Legislative Council (now Legislative Policy Committee)
since 1955. President Pro Tern since 1975. Member, Judicial Proceedings Committee;
Executive Nominations Committee. Member, Joint Committee on Chesapeake Bay Critical
Areas; Tort and Insurance Reform Oversight Committee; Special Joint Committee on
Economic Development Strategy. District office: 500 Spring St., P.O. Box 316, Cambridge
21613; tel. 228-7230. Annapolis office: 121 Presidential Wing, James Senate Office BIdg.,
21401-1991; tel. 841-3590.
CHRISTOPHER J. McCABE, Republican, District 14. Bom in Endno, California, January
1,1956. Mount St. Joseph College, Baltimore; Umv ofNotre Dame, B.BA., 1978; Fairleigh
Dicldnson Univ., M.B.A., 1980. Development officer, Johns Hopkms Hospital & School of
Medicine. Howard Co. Foster Care Review Bd., 1982—. Vice-Chair, Howard Countians for
Councilman*; Districts, 1983-84. President, Howard Co. Republican Club, 1983-85;
treasurer, member. Republican State Central Committee, Howard Co., 1984—. Finance chair
& steering comm., Howard Co. Chemical Free Graduation, 1985-86. Board of directors,
Howard Co. Youth Resource Center, 1986. Budget Committee Chair, Citizen Advisory Board,
Howard Co. Bd. of Education, 1988-89. Vice-Chair, Hospital Division Campaign, United
Way of Central Md., 1988. Leadership Howard Co., Howard Co Chamber of Commerce,
1988-89. Finance Chair, member. Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Howard Co. Chapter,
1988—. Citizens Advisory Committee, Hands of Shared Time, 1988—. National Society of
Fund Raising Executives; Knights of Columbus. Merit badge counselor. Boy Scout Troop 944.
Outstanding Young Men of America, 1985. Youth advisor, lector, St. Louis Parish. Mamed;
one child. Member of Senate since 1991, Economic & Environmental Affairs Committee;
Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review; Joint Committee
on Federal Relations. District office: 12400 Route 108, Clarksville 21029; tel. 988-9818.
Annapolis office: 404 James Senate Office BIdg., 21401-1991; tel. 841-3671.
AMERICAN JOE MIEDUSIEWSKI, Democrat, District 46. Born in Baltimore,
Maryland, October 17,1949. Attended Baltimore parochial schools; divert Hall College
High School; University of Baltimore, B.A. Business manager. Served in Maryland Air
National Guard. Member, Maryland Film Commission. Member of the House of
Delegates, 1975-88. Member of the Senate since 1988. Member, Economic and Environ-
mental Affairs Committee (ethics and election laws subcommittee, home improvement
commission subcommittee; open meetings law subcommittee; sunset review subcommit-
tee). Member, Joint Committee on Health Care Cost Containment; Joint Committee on
Investigation. District office: 421 S. Highland Ave., Baltimore 21224; tel. 276-8225.
Annapolis office: 311 James Senate Office BIdg., 21401-1991; tel. 841-3598.
DONALD F. MUNSON, Republican, District 2C. Born in Hagerstown, Maryland,
December 21,1937, and lived his early years in Hagerstown and Williamsport. Attended
Washington County public schools; Capitol Page School, Washington, DC; The Johns
Hopkins University, B.S., 1968 Served in U.S. Army Reserves. Page in U.S. House of
Representatives under former Congressman DeWitt S. Hyde, 1953-55. Member,
Washington County Historical Society; Washington County Association for Retarded
Citizens; Antietam Exchange Club; North American Rod and Gun Club; Alsatia Club;
Washington County Republican Club. Married; one child Member of the House of
Delegates, 1975-90. Member, Economic Matters Committee (unemployment insurance
subcommittee); Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics. Vice-Chairman, Western Maryland
Delegation, 1987-90. Member of the Senate since 1991. Member, Judicial Proceedings
Committee; Joint Budget and Audit Committee; Joint Committee on Federal Relations;
Joint Committee on Investigation. District office: 28 W. Church St., Hagerstown 21740;
tel. 791-4511. Annapolis office: 405 James Senate Office BIdg., 21401-1991; tel. 841-